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  1. B

    Overwatering? When plant will recover?

    Thanks, will wait few more days. From what I've read, actually it is possible if rockwool is always wet, no aeration etc. Btw, just read about rapid rooters, its made from sort of organic compost or whatever, how it actually works with dwc? Bubbles are rinsing net pot, so it will put some...
  2. B

    Overwatering? When plant will recover?

    Hi mates! Need your help. Setup: Growtent 40X40X120 cm DIY DWC system ~12 litres of working volume GHE Trio nutrients 60W led quantum board Temp & RH: 22 celsuis & 40% humidity Long story short: Seed was germinated in rockwool cubes in propagator. 30.01.2020 - Main root appeared from the...