Overwatering? When plant will recover?


New Member
Hi mates! Need your help.

Growtent 40X40X120 cm
DIY DWC system ~12 litres of working volume
GHE Trio nutrients
60W led quantum board
Temp & RH: 22 celsuis & 40% humidity

Long story short:
Seed was germinated in rockwool cubes in propagator.
30.01.2020 - Main root appeared from the bottom of cube (~1-2 cm) and was placed in dwc system (5.8 ph, 277 ppm (120 ppm filtered water + nutrients)

02.02.2020 - Roots were visible and was curling inside pot in hydroton, but still not reaching res.
Everything was fine, plant was growing, but...

04.02.2020 (yesterday) - I saw that leaves was curling down, showing symptoms of overwatering. Rockwool was always wet, bubbles from dwc was so high, so water was reaching cube all the time.

I found similar issues here with similar symptoms. So I decided to remove rockwool and put it directly to the net pot with hydroton. Tried to do it carefully, but still some hairs left in rockwool. Also put a led up to 50 cm (before was 20).

Around 24+ hours passed, and I see no signs of recovery. Still, those 2 fresh leaves increased in size, so plant seems like alive & growing slowly.
Tip of the root that is visible in the pot is a bit changed color, but seems like it was like that before. But from what I see, it still not reaching water in res.

Question is, what to do now? Wait a bit more? Or kill it and plant a new one? When overwatering symptoms will go away? Additional picture to compare. Same strain in tiny bottle, first set of leaves looks like bigger, but overall progress looks like the same.



Well-Known Member
You can't overwater in DWC.
Next time use rapid rooters instead of rockwool.

Try top feeding several times a day until the roots reach the res.


New Member
Takes a few days but she'll straighten up
Thanks, will wait few more days.

You can't overwater in DWC.
Next time use rapid rooters instead of rockwool.

Try top feeding several times a day until the roots reach the res.
From what I've read, actually it is possible if rockwool is always wet, no aeration etc. Btw, just read about rapid rooters, its made from sort of organic compost or whatever, how it actually works with dwc? Bubbles are rinsing net pot, so it will put some organic parts in water, which I'm keeping somehow sterile. Thats was main argument to use rockwool, instead of soil seedlings starters (plugs with soil, incresing is size while addings water). The second plant in bottle was started in such type of plug, and seems like feels great.