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  1. Govno

    Got a new outdoor problem actualy 2 of them need help.

    Hi everyone so I am back at it again for my 3rd year trying with auto fem fast grow (For our climate to try to make this work) I have recently added gravity fed water drip to plants so they get watered a little every day as oposed to me once a week and / or mother nature. So problem # 1: I am...
  2. Govno

    New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!

    Hi Everyone, I tried fem autos outdoor this year to see if I could get away with it... so here is my plants. issues and problems I need help with. I started my seeds indoor in 1 G pots under LED grow lights for about 3 weeks (might have been closer to 4 by the time it was in soil outdoor). I...
  3. Govno

    Auto flower outdoor

    Hi everyone, Hoping someone can tell me if I got this right or what I should do as far as auto flower planting for outdoor. I was going to germinate seeds grow in dome / soil medium about 4-5 weeks prior to planting them outside as recommended by others. My question is: I was told that auto...
  4. Govno

    Trimmers (Electric)

    So what do you recommend? I was looking at this unit: Electric trimmer I would like to trim after I yank my outdoor crop this year and don't feel like wasting crap loads of time with scissors again. Any recommendations? Would anyone suggest dry trimming instead and if so can I use same...
  5. Govno

    General Hydroponics ferts

    So I am looking at using general hydroponics ferts (Flora micro / grow / bloom) again for outdoor grow with auto flowers this year. I am trying for the life of me to figure out this damn dosing chart and it is not making sense to me now. Can any of you decipher WTF I am supposed to be using for...
  6. Govno

    Looking for a good auto flower for outdoor in Northern climate

    Any good suggestions for a good auto flower variety that will produce larger amounts and does well outdoor in northern climate / Canada ?? Trying to find something that will flower quick as this area is a fast growing seasons or frost. So I was told do auto flowers so now it is a matter of...
  7. Govno

    Building a Drying area (barn)

    So I have an old barn I want to set up for drying my crop once green trimmed. Can anyone help me / suggest how to set this up so it is automatic / can be left for several days alone? The only part I get is draping plastic, I have no other ideas or clue so please let me know how best to go about...
  8. Govno

    MB Outdoor grow

    So as promised here is my little first time project / trial. As mentioned I am licensed for medical growing outdoor (Personal use and not a business) I attempted 3 varieties outdoor: 1 - Gorilla Glue # 4 2 - C99 (Cinderella 99) 3 - L.A. Kush Reasons I picked them ... I am retarded and don't...
  9. Govno

    Planning better, need seed advice - Northern climate / Canada

    Hi Everyone, New grower / outdoor grower here (Please be patient with me) I have a medical grow lic and this is my first year growing and of course outdoor in Central Canada (Praries). We have a very short grow / flowering season so I want to plan better for next year to maximize my area and...
  10. Govno

    LED for Starting and vegging

    Hi everyone, Wanted to find out if anyone can make suggestions / answer a sort of noob question (Being that I am the noob part not the lights) So I wanted to ask does anyone use strictly LED grow lights to start seeds and veg with same light? The reason I ask is I purchased a T5 to start seeds...
  11. Govno

    New here - Manitoba

    Hi Everyone. noob to growing not new to MJ. I am a medical MJ user for pain, etc. I use both CBD strains and Plain old THC depending on day or night etc. Well time to try growing and I am new to this and got my Lic to grow so here I grow.... In Manitoba Canada and yes I am going to try...