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  1. A

    Not sure if this is normal?

    Not at all - I want to learn to grow as best as possible rather than ever grow average and be happy. It’s all about knowledge rather than being given the answer, I just never thought to look that topic up specifically haha I was honestly panicking that the difference in colour was something to...
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    Not sure if this is normal?

    Hello - as I mentioned this is my first proper grow so everything I’m doing / planning has been picked up from YouTube or online reading somewhere I was under the impression that it’s a good thing to clear out any residual nutrients left over every so often. I’m not sure where I picked up the...
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    Not sure if this is normal?

    Sorry for so many posts, just writing stuff down as I realise they’re in 14l pots, so every 2 weeks in flushing with 6.5 pH water using 15l per girl I’d be lying if I said I’ve checked the pH / EC of the runoff, that’s me being complacent. I also don’t have an EC/TDS meter at the moment
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    Not sure if this is normal?

    Oh and sorry, as the LEDs are so strong they’re well over 32” away from the top of the canopy. I was planning on lowering them the further they get into flowering
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    Not sure if this is normal?

    Thanks for the quick replies! I’m using General Hydroponics 3 Part solution at a 70% rate, and adding 1.25ml of calmag per litre of water I’ve got 3 fans running, 1 beneath the canopy oscillating around, and one on either side pole blowing on the canopy I’m only feeding them when they need it...
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    Not sure if this is normal?

    Also - they’re Dos si Dos #33 by Barney’s Farm, and there’s 7 ladies in there in total thanks!
  7. A

    Not sure if this is normal?

    Hello! I hope someone here can help and save me from panicking haha. This is only my 3rd ever grow, and first using photoperiods. My last 2 were autoflowers. I’m attempting to do a ScrOG method from videos I’ve watched, and 3 days ago I flipped them into 12/12 flower cycle. They were 7 weeks...