Not sure if this is normal?


New Member

I hope someone here can help and save me from panicking haha.

This is only my 3rd ever grow, and first using photoperiods. My last 2 were autoflowers.

I’m attempting to do a ScrOG method from videos I’ve watched, and 3 days ago I flipped them into 12/12 flower cycle. They were 7 weeks old at the time

I’ve noticed that half of my tent appears to be a lime colour green while the other half is darker and has more of the ‘Matt’ look to it. I’m not sure if this is something I should worry about, it only appears to be lime green on new growth rather than old growth. I’ve noticed some of the new growth is looking more spindly aswell
Am I worrying for no reason, do these look healthy to other more knowledgeable growers?

Im using a soil mix, and I pH my water to between 6.3-6.8. Every time I feed I change it slightly.
They’re under 2x 1000w LED lights (each one is 400w true)
Temperature is around 23-27 during the day and about 15-18 at night. I’m struggling to maintain a high RH level so it’s usually around 35-45%

I’ve attached some photos for reference, I’m a really new grower so have probably missed some really important information, please let me know if I can supply anything further!

thank you so much in advance!


New Member
Also - they’re Dos si Dos #33 by Barney’s Farm, and there’s 7 ladies in there in total



Well-Known Member
It's possible the lights are too close. It's normal for new growth to be light colored, but you've got some fan leaves that are that color too. How close are your lights?


Well-Known Member

I hope someone here can help and save me from panicking haha.

This is only my 3rd ever grow, and first using photoperiods. My last 2 were autoflowers.

I’m attempting to do a ScrOG method from videos I’ve watched, and 3 days ago I flipped them into 12/12 flower cycle. They were 7 weeks old at the time

I’ve noticed that half of my tent appears to be a lime colour green while the other half is darker and has more of the ‘Matt’ look to it. I’m not sure if this is something I should worry about, it only appears to be lime green on new growth rather than old growth. I’ve noticed some of the new growth is looking more spindly aswell
Am I worrying for no reason, do these look healthy to other more knowledgeable growers?

Im using a soil mix, and I pH my water to between 6.3-6.8. Every time I feed I change it slightly.
They’re under 2x 1000w LED lights (each one is 400w true)
Temperature is around 23-27 during the day and about 15-18 at night. I’m struggling to maintain a high RH level so it’s usually around 35-45%

I’ve attached some photos for reference, I’m a really new grower so have probably missed some really important information, please let me know if I can supply anything further!

thank you so much in advance!
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Welcome to RIU fellow grower. Good job with photos. I do not see any obvious problems here. It could just be the strain. With LEDs you will need some Cal-Mag in your water. Big thing, What are you feeding and how often? With a soil grow PHing is not as critical. I Think you are doing well so far as I am not seeing obvious distress. Keep a journal and stay tuned to RIU, there is lots of help here. roll on...


Well-Known Member
They look nice...That lighter color you are seeing is just from the explosive new growth, from cutting the light back.

The one thing I'd recommend . as someone else said,. is adding cal-mag, and also add epsom salt for extra mag. I grow in soil and to every 4 gallons of water I add 2 teaspoons of epsom and 15 ml of cal mag.....every time I water or feed. I'm using RO water though so you may need less.


New Member
Thanks for the quick replies!
I’m using General Hydroponics 3 Part solution at a 70% rate, and adding 1.25ml of calmag per litre of water

I’ve got 3 fans running, 1 beneath the canopy oscillating around, and one on either side pole blowing on the canopy

I’m only feeding them when they need it - I have been late with it once and they weren’t happy but I gave them some extra time in veg to recover. It’s all from the weight of the pots that I judge when to water - they’re all different now so 1 will need feeding at 12am, then 3 at 4pm and the others the next day etc

I try not to water too much at all, I had problems with that on my last grow!

Thanks again all, it’s really appreciated!


New Member
Oh and sorry, as the LEDs are so strong they’re well over 32” away from the top of the canopy. I was planning on lowering them the further they get into flowering


New Member
Sorry for so many posts, just writing stuff down as I realise

they’re in 14l pots, so every 2 weeks in flushing with 6.5 pH water using 15l per girl

I’d be lying if I said I’ve checked the pH / EC of the runoff, that’s me being complacent. I also don’t have an EC/TDS meter at the moment

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Sorry for so many posts, just writing stuff down as I realise

they’re in 14l pots, so every 2 weeks in flushing with 6.5 pH water using 15l per girl

I’d be lying if I said I’ve checked the pH / EC of the runoff, that’s me being complacent. I also don’t have an EC/TDS meter at the moment
What is the benefit of flushing every 2 weeks?


New Member
Hello - as I mentioned this is my first proper grow so everything I’m doing / planning has been picked up from YouTube or online reading somewhere

I was under the impression that it’s a good thing to clear out any residual nutrients left over every so often. I’m not sure where I picked up the fortnightly though - is that more harm then good?


Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Flushing is a hotly debated topic when you're not in a lockout.

Rather than telling you what I think you should do, I would suggest you do more research on cannabis flushing, the effects it has on your medium and decide for yourself if it is something you want to do and how often you should do it. Many articles, videos and forum posts have discussed this topic at length, so there is plenty of available info.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I apologize if I have come across like that...growing these weeds is like skinning a cat haha....there is more than one way and we all do it a little different. bongsmilie :peace:bongsmilie


New Member
Not at all - I want to learn to grow as best as possible rather than ever grow average and be happy. It’s all about knowledge rather than being given the answer, I just never thought to look that topic up specifically haha

I was honestly panicking that the difference in colour was something to really worry about so also thought a flush would of helped - if they look ok to others though you definitely know better than I do! If people have mentioned CalMag when I’m already doing 1.25/ml I might put it up to 1.5-1.7/l?

Thanks for the help though, it gives me something to read for a few hours


Well-Known Member
You are probably good on calmag where you are at...Are you using well water? sorry if I missed it? Personally I would still add the Epsom, but you can wait and see if your plants need it...Many do during flower, but it's strain dependent somewhat.

It took me a while to believe any kind of salt was going to be good for my plants, but Epsom makes them thrive!! (and it's one of the cheapest things you'll use.)

YouTube has some good info, and lots of bad...You're better off on the grow forums and even here you have to be careful.

Since you like to read and learn, look into a IPM program to protect your plants from future nightmares, like pests and molds...

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Every day I am trying to learn more, my man...I suspected the flushing is what could have lead to your plants taking a bit of a dive when you missed the feeding that one time. If you are flushing the soil every two weeks, any built up nutrients in the soil are washed away as then your plants are going without food until the next feeding...then they get a little nutrients and then you flush them again and the cycle repeats and here they are letting you know they are unhappy. As the plant's demands increase, this could lead to a more pronounced case of underfeeding...that light green color is also associated with underfeeding.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Every day I am trying to learn more, my man...I suspected the flushing is what could have lead to your plants taking a bit of a dive when you missed the feeding that one time. If you are flushing the soil every two weeks, any built up nutrients in the soil are washed away as then your plants are going without food until the next feeding...then they get a little nutrients and then you flush them again and the cycle repeats and here they are letting you know they are unhappy. As the plant's demands increase, this could lead to a more pronounced case of underfeeding...that light green color is also associated with underfeeding.

Good luck!
absolutely...probably better a little underfed than over fed though...and yes, flushing is for toilets :lol: No need in soil normally.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow man.
Plants look fine.
If it were called leaching instead of flushing people might look at it differently.
Yes, you can leach your soil of bad stuff. But also good stuff.
Do it if you need to, which will be rarely. Don’t do it routinely.