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  1. E

    ScroG Opinons

    Im about to begin a 4 plant ScroG in a Grow Tent and 400w HPS.My question is those of you who have made gone this route, what dd you all use for your Screen? Chicken wire or something more strong? Just getting ideas. Thanks!
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    DIY Grow Tent Help

    Hey Id love to see some pics. I have a tent Ive also built w/ PVC and B/W Poly film about the same size. Ill be using a 400w HPS from start to finish and am also stuck on ventilation. Ill be watching this post to see what input you get.
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    First attempt

    Heres the two girls at a day over 3 weeks. I went Out of town for the 4th weekend, came back and had some pretty big growth - what a surprise 3 days makes huh?:mrgreen: Anyway, I make changes almost daily so this was a few days back - Next week it may be a different layout all together who...
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    Time to make it flower?

    He has no use for a MH Bulb is the point. He has 2 14w bulbs, I really doubt he has a spare MH Ballast around.
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    New Grow Box ( 3 Bagseed Plants)

    Just some general advice Ive learned so far. Make sure you have an exhaust fan. One that blows out of the box only. You have to push out the warm air caused by the lights. Also, You'll need a hole down at the bottom of your box to allow fresh air in. In dont need a fan in it now, if your exhaust...
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    First attempt

    Here is my first real attempt at a harvest. They are both bagseed from shwag so nothing to special but that will come next time! Right now Im using 4 26w CFLs. 1 5500k 2 6500k and a 1 2700k as thats all I could find around the house. Hopefully an upcoming Bday will reward me with a small HPS...
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    20 watt daylight spec

    In a word: Yes.
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    It will work, to a point. The plant will accept any light thrown at it - how well is the factor to look at. It will use the light and it will grow, but of course your always better with 6500k. Theres always the internet for lights if need be :)
  9. E

    These CFL lights alright?

    Yes sir, 6500k for Veg, 2700k for flower or as close to that as possible. Its also seen as a benefit to mix and max a little by some people. Stick to more 6500k than 2700k for veg though.
  10. E

    I need a Plan for this wood!

    You could always just build a wood frame and line it with Mylar/Panda film and basically make your own grow tent. That would eliminate a lot of the building process, just need the frame.
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    How is my lighting placement?

    Agreed. Not that I have a LOT of grows under my belt but Id say it looks like overwatering. I like to use the "Golden rule" of the 1" finger probe into the soil, If its wet - Leave it alone and check back tomorrow, otherwise I water. Just my .02
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    Trunk5's 400watt grow thingy..

    I think your grow is absolutley bad ass, Im wanting to start growing here pretty soon, and am in the process of putting together a VERY budget cab. to get going and your Journal has been a big help for ideas. Good luck man, Cant wait to see it! +Rep!
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    Droopy (CFL Grow)

    This is a little experiment w/ growing - wasn't really planning to make it all the way to flowering just yet but wanted to get a feel for things to come. Here is a plant that is currently growing but seems to have started to die(?). My lights are about 3-4" above the plant, I have 4 5500k 27W...