New Grow Box ( 3 Bagseed Plants)


Active Member
I just bought a small cabinent from lowes its about 3 feet high and have a fan built into it

then have 3 cfls one 42 watt and 2 26 watt

underneath i have 3 young seedlings about 2 weeks old

im starting them on 12/12 right off the bat so that way i
they dont grow too big too quick

also i have this scotts bloom booster and i was jsut wondering when would be the best time to start feeding to them

i cant seem to find any mylar anywhere in town tried walmart, home dpot and lowes anyone know where else i could try



Well-Known Member
Hey Minor - Things look pretty good. You will probably need to put some more lights in when the plants get a little older. Also, how close are the lights to your plants? CFL's run pretty cool, so it's best to keep them close, that way the plant stays more compact. About your questions - What kind of soil are you using? If it is prenuted, then I wouldnt start nutes for awhile. I've never gone 12/12 from start though, so I'm not sure how much that would change the dynamics. I would wait for a few more responses before you use any. I dont use mylar so I can't tell you where to find it. I've read that it can be found at those places you mentioned though. I use flat white spray paint for relfection. Anyways. Congrats on the plants man, they look good. Keep it posted, I'll subscribe.


Active Member
thanks for the advice

yea i was going to add more lights but first i have to solve a heating problem i have a fan in the back blowing fresh air in but prob is the temp gets over 100 when ihave more than 4-5 bulbs in the box
so im just keeping 3 for now

the soil is just regular potting soil with some other better soil compounds mixed in.

and yea i bought the cabinet and it was already pre painted white it was either that or the black one but i figured since i don't have to paint it if i got the white cabinet.

is there any simple ways to solve the heating issue i dont really have room for a air ventilation hose or anything like that


Active Member
is there any simple ways to solve the heating issue i dont really have room for a air ventilation hose or anything like that
Just some general advice Ive learned so far. Make sure you have an exhaust fan. One that blows out of the box only. You have to push out the warm air caused by the lights. Also, You'll need a hole down at the bottom of your box to allow fresh air in. In dont need a fan in it now, if your exhaust fan has enough pull, it will pull in fresh air from that hole. You'll also want a small fan blowing on the plants. Just enough to cause movement, not to much more. this will help with steam strength.


Active Member
there are 2 26 watts those are 2700k and the 42 is 6500k.

and as for lst whats the best way to lst a plant?

Has anyone ever used any of these and had noticeable improvements on plant size or bud size?



Well-Known Member
Hey Minor - LST is pretty simple. Just go to the FAQ section about it. It works well, that's what I'm using. I also use the MG Bloom Booster and I used superthrive throughout veg for better root growth. Both worked well as far as I can see.


Active Member
I already mixed the superthrive in with the water so they get feed with that when i water them.

i will be updating pics tonight

one of them im starting to lsd it the other two are just growing straight


Active Member
looking good man id get those lights closer and for sure add more later ,but personaly for stealth ventaltion i like two computer fans. one pulling air in to the box an one pushing out makes for nice temps and fresh co2 for your plants at all time just buy one anattach to an adatable wall plugin i like bigger 45cfm one push some more not to mention making l a tunnel for them help concentrate the air movement as

you could drill two holes in the back and put two 45* 2" pvc fietings pointing down

well hope this help:mrgreen: