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  1. B

    Flowering time

    Those are old pictures. I harvested 3 weeks after those pictures were taken.
  2. B

    Flowering time

    Thanks for the info. Once in the jar, can I leave it anywhere? Or does it need to be in a dark place cool place? (Is it ok if it goes to like 60 in the room it's stored in?)
  3. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    Finally decided to harvest today. Here's the biggest bud. around 7 days before harvest, didn't looked too good. But the plants healed weel and here's the result: I'm satisfied for a first grow. :) Thanks everyone.
  4. B

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Even nicer then. :)
  5. B

    First AeroGarden Grow!

    Really nice looking plants!
  6. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    Maybe I`ll be able to save them. There`s some new white hair growing, I guess it`s a good sign.
  7. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    So I should keep the amount of light as usual?
  8. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    The lower part of the plants still looks ok.
  9. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    By "stick it out" you mean outside? If that's what you mean, well I can't... Should I keep the same amount of lighting? Or maybe close some CFL? ( I have the hood + 4 CFL right now.) Thanks for the help everyone.
  10. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    Strange, I didn't change the dosage or anything... If I keep them on water will they get better? Should I harvest as soon as possible? What should I do? Thanks
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    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    No stem rot either. Might harvest sooner then expected. I don't want to loose them...
  12. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    Roots looks great. That's why I'm so puzzled.
  13. B

    Is this normal? Are they dying?

    My plants haven't been flowering for 50 days now, I switched them to only water about 4 days ago. The leafs had already started to dry and curl, but now they are yellow. Is this normal? Should I harvest as soon as possible? Or let them drink water for 2 weeks(total)? Thanks
  14. B

    Curling, dry leafs - flowering stage

    Sorry to ask, but how can i lower the nitrogen?
  15. B

    Curling, dry leafs - flowering stage

    Hi, This is my first grow and I would like to know if this is normal. My plants have been flowering for 44 days now. The leafs are starting to curl and the edges are starting to dry. Is this normal at this stage? Or is my temp too high? It stays at around 80-82 right now during the light cycle...
  16. B

    First grow

    Good point dirtsurfr. Might look into buying some like that then. thanks
  17. B

    First grow

    Yeah I learned something new, I thought the hairs had to darken. I don't have a microscope, but I'll try to get one. Thanks for the info!
  18. B

    First grow

    This is my first grow. They have been flowering for 33 days now. What do you guys think? I"ll let them flower for probably 60 days, will that be enough or too much maybe? In the last picture I did a party cup grow, since a had 1 extra clone. It's small but it's cool. :)
  19. B

    Flowering time

    What do you mean by, "burp the jar" ? And I should keep it in a jar for 2-4 weeks before smoking it? This is my first grow, so I don't really know what to do with it, yet, when it's ready...
  20. B

    Flowering time

    Thanks for all that info a23. Looks like there's some orange hair showing up today.