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  1. B

    Flowering time

    I'll wait np. I'm in no hurry. Thanks. Here's another picture, it's a little blurry tho. Can anyone guess the strain?
  2. B

    Flowering time

    You mean 5 more weeks?
  3. B

    Flowering time

    Here's one.
  4. B

    Flowering time

    That's the problem, I don't know the strain. Is it possible to know it from a pic?
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    Flowering time

    How long should I keep my plants flowering before harvesting? They've been flowering for 28 days now. Thanks
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    Reflective material

    Great thanks for the info everyone.
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    What setting is everyone using?

    I have my light on a seperate timer, 18/6 for veg then 12/12 for flowering. The pump is running 24/7, and I also added a seperate aquarium pump with air stone.
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    Reflective material

    Hi everyone, I want to add some reflective material in my grow closet. I know I could use foil paper, but I saw some Emergency Blanket at the store and I was wondering if it could work better. It's made from aluminized polyester. Something like this...
  9. B

    How tall before flowering stage?

    I've switch my plants into flowering stage 5 days ago now. I'm not sure if they're all girls or not yet. Some of them I'm pretty sure they are though. I'll wait a couple more days and post pics if I'm still unsure. Thanks
  10. B

    Shops in Quebec City?

    No one knows any store?
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    How tall before flowering stage?

    Ok well if they double or triple in size I really need to start flowering soon. :) Thanks!
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    How tall before flowering stage?

    So I can't really see the sex before the flowering stage right?
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    Order from Grasscity?

    I checked and they don't. But I'll use that site when I need more seeds though. Choices looks great. Thanks
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    How tall before flowering stage?

    I'm not using the nuets that came with the AG. I got some Canna Aqua nutes. I started from clones, I waited about 3-4 days after the roots emerged from the AG foam before starting the nutes. Good luck with your grow.
  15. B

    How tall before flowering stage?

    Oh and I forgot. If I start to make them flower, will they drink more water? I'm leaving on vacation and I don't want them to go dry... Thanks
  16. B

    How tall before flowering stage?

    Hi, How tall should the plants be before I start flowering? I have one almost 12 inches then other one is around 9-10 inches. I'm using an AG Veg Pro. Also, when can it be determine if the plants are male or female? Thanks
  17. B

    Shops in Quebec City?

    Hey, I'm going on vacation to Quebec city and I would like to know if there's any shop where I can buy a bong or pipe? I'm looking for one for myself and one for a gift. :) Thanks!
  18. B

    Order from Grasscity?

    I'm not looking to buy seeds actually. I want to buy some accessories Like a bong, pipe, grinder, etc. And I'm looking for a place that sells The Screen Queen Pipe. Thanks
  19. B

    Order from Grasscity?

    Anyone ever ordered from Grasscity? I was about too yesterday, but when I went through the checkout at the end they ask for my bank online password. Why would they need that? I donèt mind giving my credit card number and everything, but my online banking password or a bit weird and suspicious...
  20. B

    Sagging Leafs

    I lowered to pH last night and they are doing better today. So I guess the pH was the issue. They started to get droopy when the lights came on 2 days ago. The roots are in the water, so they always have water. I checked the air stone and there's alot of bubble in there, so it should be ok...