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    Aussie Growers Thread

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    Aussie Growers Thread

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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thats good, lol im same i still stress on ebay
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    How far should light be?

    Hey man type it in to google itll give u an awnser look in the images too
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    Best Organic Nutrients

    Hey man its good if u can afford it but if u cant stick with basics gypsum, blood n bone, cow manure, compost,worm casting (hopefully you got a worm and compost setup) and perlite make sure its really got like 30 % or more. Then feed with seaweed i have one that is a probiotic with microbes only...
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    Nutrient deficiencies? Yellow leaves brown spots? Plz help

    Heres anouther chart
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    Nutrient deficiencies? Yellow leaves brown spots? Plz help

    What is your medium? I think u should be going for 6.5 ph
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    First time grower seeking help.

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    First time grower seeking help.

    That didnt really help it looks like calcium? Id grab some gypsum top dress or spike it like make deep holes with like a thin bamboo steak tip it down and water in..
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    First time grower seeking help.

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    Going into flower

    Ok im going into flower 5 days in. My mix is soil, cowmanure,gypsum,bloodnbone,perlite,and wormcastings. Ive been feed fish aminos, aloe/soapnut mix, barley sst, worm juice, fulvic acid, seaweed with microbes. Now i wanna keep up the barley aloe sapponins but should i use the fulvic? Should i...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

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    Useful Seeds

    Mate you'll always have interest if the seeds were bred properly id suggest keep photos of males used and females. If people wanna breed there own seeds the purer the line means u can make go ure own way with flavours, and form etc. To me that line up has the recipe to make a lot of ure...
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    Help! Replacement Parts

    Yeah for sure I'll find 3 way plumbing pvc at ure hardware just drill hole and get small screws to tighten. If u don't know get number 30 double end drill bit (3mm) and m4 screws