Nutrient deficiencies? Yellow leaves brown spots? Plz help


New Member
Can you please tell me what's going on with my plants.. 1 has leaf curling down others yellowish green leaves with brown spots and some with yellow on edges of leaves. Check out the pics maybe you guys can tell me what's going wrong? Ty



New Member
Hey man I didn't think any body would reply
I use technaflora at its full feed chart boost, veg, cal mag, sugar daddy, and B1 red. I ph between 6.8 and 7.0. I got a run off recently at 6.4 so I adjusted to 7.2 and did a flush on my gorilla lemon fire.
Also new here, but I think it's more likely you're seeing nutrient excess. What can happen is too much uptake of some nutrients and also the blocking of others. Some recommendations can be a bit aggressive in that way and it's a toss up whether a particular plant and its setup can handle it.