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  1. 4seed

    Growing in Arizona

    Does anyone think that its a good idea and if so how should I go about it?
  2. 4seed

    GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..

    I NEVER tell anyone about growing not even my wife! Sorry to hear the KNEWS Bro
  3. 4seed

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    Not much makes me mad, But not having the space nor the money to have that type of set up makes me truely want to cry. Maybe one day 4seed
  4. 4seed

    History Channel "that's impossible" being invisible

    If no one could see me for a day (invisible) I would be in banks. ALL DAY bank after bank after bank! And on top off that the only thing I would be wearing is shoe's NAKED all f*cking day! The Naked bank robbing super villain!
  5. 4seed

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    What? I thought it was going to be a VW or a Big motorcycle
  6. 4seed

    my first grow room is it ok

    So no refective stuff T ll just a white wall is enough
  7. 4seed

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Where can I buy cones. I truely do not know anyone in my area with stuff enough to ask.
  8. 4seed

    Almost everything is at PETSCO!

    Wow thanks MntHigh Dude. Can you pleasing answer this......? 9 days in rockwool no sprouting phed at 5.0 temp 90. Whats going on are the seeds dead?
  9. 4seed

    Are You Outraged At Octuplets??

    OK Bleezy, Hating her will always win your point?
  10. 4seed

    Are You Outraged At Octuplets??

    "Fuck the bitch, she deserves to rot in her grave along side her 14 going to be -fucked up children." I though weed made people happy dog how fucked up are you? So what your saying is that having 14 kids should have you killed so then having one should get you punched or something?
  11. 4seed

    Are You Outraged At Octuplets??

    I am type on a IPOD sorry. And My name is 4seed so I guess that mistake to my favor. Just Like 40 kids from one vigina is in hers YUCKY!!!
  12. 4seed

    Are You Outraged At Octuplets??

    Everyone that has to take care of one of her Kids Type the Letter "I" I can truely say that I couldn't care less. She could have 20 more and I would not lose any sleep over it. But I seed her last night on T.V and she looks kinda good for having 900 kids.
  13. 4seed

    How F@cking long!

    Put them in a shot glass with water PHed at 5.0 they were in ther for 48 hours until they cracked. Now they are in rockwool and have been here for 9 days. I think i need to get some clones.
  14. 4seed

    How F@cking long!

    How long does it take for a seed to sprout on average? I done alot of study but found nothing on that subject.
  15. 4seed

    Almost everything is at PETSCO!

    I am a very poor guy (ARTIST) and I wanted to see if I could do what is doing done for a smaller price and this is what I came up with! Hardware stores were my first choice when I started looking for things but I started to see that regular gardening was nothing like hydroponics and was not as...
  16. 4seed

    Michael Phelps caught.....smoking a bong...

    High standards, high golds, staying high above his competition. This guy is so good at what he does he could be smokin crack and I would not care. Its not about what you do its about what you do while your doing it. And that dude kicks ass!
  17. 4seed

    Graphics Designer Needed

    Hell yeah if the offer is still open please let me know! My default picture is some of the work that I did. (guy with the blue face)
  18. 4seed

    400w hps price

    Go on and go in the part called farm and garden will can find great deals there also ebay!
  19. 4seed

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    I heard of these stuffed called Sex by THC labs but I never seen or read about it other then here.
  20. 4seed

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Sounds great is there a cost for this school?