How F@cking long!


Active Member
How long does it take for a seed to sprout on average?

I done alot of study but found nothing on that subject.


Active Member
What method are you using to sprout?

Put them in a shot glass with water PHed at 5.0 they were in ther for 48 hours until they cracked.

Now they are in rockwool and have been here for 9 days.

I think i need to get some clones.


Well-Known Member
Put them in a shot glass with water PHed at 5.0 they were in ther for 48 hours until they cracked.

Now they are in rockwool and have been here for 9 days.

I think i need to get some clones.
PH should always be between 5.5 - 6.5. Anyway seems a little long.
How deep did you bury them? They only need to be 2-5mm from the surface.
Tap root pointing down?
Carefully open up one of the cubes and take a peak at one so you can check out progress.