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  1. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    Thanks, I am thinking both my plants are males... I would have done seeds, made clones and kept a vegging mom, but didn't and don't ahve time. I have one more set of 4 seeds going, two have popped up out of the rockwool, when these are done, I am finished growing for a while. The kids have...
  2. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    The two plants are healthy as hell now. My stupid camera broke and my blackberry won't take reasonable pictures.
  3. I

    How far should I keep 4 week old plants from a 400 MH watter? I don't want to cook!

    hello, I switched from the full spectrum fluoros to the 400 watter, How far should the light be? The tags and search feature on here are fukt or I would look it up
  4. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    My camera is broke, and my cell cam sucks, but the plants are better, its been almost two weeks into flowering and still no signs of sex, I am guessing it is due stress of being sick at the begininning of flowering
  5. I

    Switching back to soil, but its been years, what kid of soil should I use?

    I have grown both ways, and both ways are about equal IMO, plus the bubbling and fans will be replaces with FAN and stuff. I am going to just use the closet instead of my POS hydro grow box, but I gotta do something for the smell. I have a cone type of air purifier that I bought from a company...
  6. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    I am at half strength nutes, now for about 9 hours. I did a little pruning, and in an hour or two will post some new photos of the plants. Day 4 of flowering.
  7. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    after the first 10 days I swapped out the water which had aboue 120 ppm to it, about 2 weeks ago I replaced it with about .5 % strength nutes. I started getting brownish/orange spots all over the leaves, two days later changed the water thinking I over nuted, went down to about .25 % strength...
  8. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    ok, but what if I bring it down to 1/4th tonight and they continue to wilt? I would suggest that if anything they are under nuted.... but what do I know?
  9. I

    I was Nastynate101 a two yr memeber of this board. I lost my PW, and this site I have found is...

    I was Nastynate101 a two yr memeber of this board. I lost my PW, and this site I have found is messed up. The search section is down for a month now, and the pw recovery doesn't work.......
  10. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    Well I dont think I EVER over nuted, maybe under nuted. THe PPM for info is 600 on distilled water. The pH at 5.8, I am ready to move over to a 4100 K 400 watter but wanted them to look better first.
  11. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    1st week of flowering schedule from fox farms, about 3/4th strength added more pictures If I kill them I can start over in soil next week, I would like to see if they can rebound and will do a water change on them tonight if the vote goes to let them live. Its been a couple of weeks like this...
  12. I

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    Here are four pictures of the two plants left. There were four plants and I have killed two already. The spotting seems to have subsided a bit but the wilting is killer. The PH and PPM are good, I can either kill them tonight or change the water again the temps and humidity are also good they...
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    the tabs are not working either... its been a month or so................ If I pay for the site to be become elite will I still be dealing with this problem? Cause of it already I have to make a new acct name
  14. I

    My Last grow my wife will EVER let me do. WTF is happening 2 my Plants Plz Advise K+

    HAHAHAHAH do you know how far I am from there??? geez rub it in why don't you?
  15. I

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    I wish you luck, my bubbler black pearl plants took such a left turn two weeks ago I have already pulled 2 of the 4 plants, and the other two wilted looking with spots plants left are a day or two from getting yanked, and I will go right back to soil where out of 20 grows I have suceeded 20...
  16. I

    My Last grow my wife will EVER let me do. WTF is happening 2 my Plants Plz Advise K+

    The plants now look like ass mixed with poison. I haven't ever had this happen before, I am gonna do 4 seeds in soil, and taking a break from Hydro
  17. I

    Since the RIU search function isn't working.. I tried mold and got No hits...

    just trust me, that pic didn't come out right, when I say the are rust or orange spots.
  18. I

    Since the RIU search function isn't working.. I tried mold and got No hits...

    It is definately NOT mold, the PPM, temps, and pH are all solid, but the signs are consistant on all plants. WTF are these orange spots?