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  1. Polly Wog


    Fascist theocracy, speaker Johnson style.
  2. Polly Wog

    Hello from Ohio.

    Maui wowie, Jamaican, among other hybrid strains waiting to pop. Busted in this state 47 years ago. Kiss my ass.
  3. Polly Wog

    Hello from Ohio.

    High land county here.
  4. Polly Wog

    Hello from Ohio.

    I'm moving my basement hidden grow to a 9x10 ft insulated building grow. Finally I can have a lung room.
  5. Polly Wog

    Hello from Ohio.

    Ohio here. First legal grow.
  6. Polly Wog

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Lock his azz up already...
  7. Polly Wog

    Republicans Wage War on the Rule of Law

    Fascists hate rules.
  8. Polly Wog

  9. Polly Wog


    About time.
  10. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    I thought rwds meant right wing dipshit.
  11. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    It seems tribal supremacy is the main theme in killings.
  12. Polly Wog

    "Proud Boys" face the music!

    Lock them up
  13. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    Dehumanizing is always used.
  14. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    I think we need to put some Quaaludes in the water everywhere.
  15. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    I'm an old man now. But if I had two girls trying to get in my car when I was younger the last thing I would do is pull a gun on them. I'd ask them where they'd like to go.
  16. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    I have relatives that would do the same thing. At our Easter celebration one of my sister-in-laws use the jigaboo word. My son said I've never heard such a racist thing. They are Evangelical Christians and trumpkins. It's the way they were raised. Most of Adams county Ohio is that way.
  17. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    Religious faux watcher magat
  18. Polly Wog

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

  19. Polly Wog


    This trump appointed judge is denying Braggs stay for the gop witch hunt.
  20. Polly Wog


    As a ham operator I've never talked to anyone in Russia or China wonder why....