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    Who will join her?

    While this is about as much news to us all as "made in america" is 3 words not 2, it's still nice when it's official.
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    OPEC reduces oil production by 2 million barrels

    When Brandon signs 70 executive orders resulting in lowering US output by 2 million barrels all hail the great greenie. When OPEC reduces output by the same amount the White House accuses them of being aligned with Putin. LOL
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    Testosterone Administration Induces a Red Shift in Democrats November 14th, 2021 by Professor Paul Zak, the Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University. “His research has made a substantial impact in explaining the variation in human social...
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    To "forgive" student loans by dumping them on others. Because a janitor should for sure have to pay for upper middle class kids educations.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    On PCR tests within the first 10 days, non-contagious results were: UnVaxxed 68.75% Boosted 38.46% Vaxxed 29.72% Pandemic of the unvaccinated!
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    Re-imagine your local sherrif.

    Or police chief making up laws on the fly and enforcing them. Would that sit well with you if they didn't adhere strictly to enforcing policy but imbibed in creating policy as well?
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    Biden Bots

    "Build Back Better"- World Economic Forum
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    Which is the most valuable to protect?

    Just wondering what everyone views as most deserving of protection by the most proficient means of the day. Edit: which would you protect with arms if you could only choose one?
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    AZ-04 candidate Jerone Davidson ad

    Probably the most provocative ad I've ever seen from a candidate, in my lifetime anyway. What do you think?