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  1. N

    Wierd looking plant

    Well Danny Diveto kicked my ass last night.. I think i will clone him.
  2. N

    Wierd looking plant

    I am about 8 weeks into flowering with a Aurora Indica feminized strain. 4 of the plants look unreal but one of them has always looked a little retarded. Its buds are very thin and skimpy and the plant is very thin and weak looking. The veg that is on the plant looks healthy, no burns or...
  3. N

    Bud Density

    One last question.. My girls smell great while growing however after they are dried they smell like roses.. I understand that they are flowers however Nothing ive ever smoked smelled like flowers.
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    Bud Density

    blackstrap unsulfured
  5. N

    Bud Density

    well i just smoked some and im pretty stoned lol. bongsmiliebongsmilie Should I continue with the molases or just give em water for the next 2 weeks?
  6. N

    Bud Density

    Ok we are getting off topic.. Will this bud suck? Its still a decent strain right? If i dont have dense buds will it not get me stoned?
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    Bud Density

    the closest one of those is over 2800 miles away
  8. N

    Bud Density

    SO I should stop using the miracle grow. Is there any other brand I can pick up that is a national name and easy to find? I dont have access to any grow shops in my state so I am stuck with what I can find at lowes, home depot ect.
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    Bud Density

    The lights are normally within 4-6 inches away.
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    Bud Density

    Are you serious? I was told that NL was the strain I should use for thick indoor buds. Do you have any suggestions on the strain I should use? I normally shop at Nirvana. Thanks
  11. N

    Bud Density

    I am on my 4th grow but it is actually my 1st grow using decent equipment. My previous grows were not producing thick dense buds with CFLs so I switched to 2 400watt HPS lights. I do understand that the my investment is minimal in the grand scheme of things however I expected to start seeing...
  12. N

    mold!!! Help

    All I need is someone who knows for a fact what can be done about the mold. Someone please help me out.
  13. N

    mold!!! Help

    Long story short I harvested about 3 weeks ago and went on vacation. I told my wife to let the buds get nice and dry and then toss them into jars. She took the buds down after 3 days and put them in closed jars. I returned tonight and went to try some out and found that she totally forgot about...
  14. N

    loose buds

    HEHE I am already seeing a huge difference in the density. Once again I appreciate all of your help guys.
  15. N

    loose buds

    They are enclosed and air cooled. I appreciate all of your help .. i will just monitor the temp at plant level and adjust from there. Thanks for the help.
  16. N

    loose buds

    Thanks for all the info. I ends up buying 2 400watt hps and installed them last night. My main concern at this point is burning the plants. How far away should they be from the plants? My grow room temp last night was a constant 72 degrees due to a lot of duct work I also installed.
  17. N

    loose buds

    Any sugestions on lighting? I am running 16 115 (true) watts for 8 ladies on each of my grows.
  18. N

    loose buds

    I just finished up my second grow which was a pretty decent success in my mind due to the small amount of cash i have invested. I have noticed that my buds are not tightly packed like the bag stuff i used to get. They are soft and not very dense. I am using CFLs and by my calculations I have...
  19. N

    Flowering female

    please help
  20. N

    Flowering female

    Will moving a flowering female into a larger pot hurt or help it? its about 20 days into flowering