Wierd looking plant


Active Member
I am about 8 weeks into flowering with a Aurora Indica feminized strain. 4 of the plants look unreal but one of them has always looked a little retarded. Its buds are very thin and skimpy and the plant is very thin and weak looking. The veg that is on the plant looks healthy, no burns or discoloration. I wanted to see if the bud was any good on it so I cut some off and smoked it and it is some of the best I have ever had. I then sampled the other normal looking plants and they are good but no where near what the wierd plant is. Can anyone tell me what the deal is with this plant?

I have attached a picture.



New Member
when seeds are feminized, sometimes youll run into genetic problems. you ca sort of equate it to that movie twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger called "twins"

he had what was supposed to be an identical twin (danny diveto) , and in the movie, he was strong,smart,ect,ect and his twin was ugly,short dumb,ect. arnie got all the good jeans, and danny got all the leftover shit.

same type of thing i think. id just go ahead and flower it and do your thing. watch it closely though for male flowers to pop on it . id imagine its very susceptible to hermming out on ya.