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  1. HyDro Guy

    1st Time Grow...Whatcha Think? ;-0

    Na they don't stink, they smell like flowers. That's the beauty of Bubbelicious, they only stink towards the end of flowering but they are starting to get crystals and when I touch the buds they are pretty damn sticky. I forgot to mention that I also used Phosphoload 2 wks into flowering and...
  2. HyDro Guy

    1st Time Grow...Whatcha Think? ;-0

    These ladies are Bubbelicious from Nirvana seedbank and are 34 days into flowering. I use GH Flora Nova nutes @ 1300 PPM, 600w HPS with blue/red spectrum, CO2 halo @ 1500PPM, RO water PH @ 5.9, Ebb and flow with Hydroton. 85 deg temp during light hours, humidity between 50 and 60, pumps run for...
  3. HyDro Guy

    1st Time Grow...Whatcha Thnk? ;-0

    These ladies are Bubbelicious from Nirvana seedbank and are 34 days into flowering. I use GH Flora Nova nutes @ 1300 PPM, 600w HPS with blue/red spectrum, CO2 halo @ 1500PPM, RO water PH @ 5.9, Ebb and flow with Hydroton. 85 deg temp during light hours, humidity between 50 and 60, pumps run for...
  4. HyDro Guy

    Nute Lock? Heat Stress? Overwater?

    HMMMM no one else has any input?
  5. HyDro Guy

    Sensi Skunk, Thai Super Skunk from Seed with Issues

    I bought some Super Skunk seeds and germiated 10, 5 germinated, 4 survived, 3 were males, and the last one is very short and 2 weeks into flowering it has no bud sites on it. I'm new at hydro and maybe I did something wrong but I also germinated 10 Bubbelicious at the same time and they all...
  6. HyDro Guy

    Nute Lock? Heat Stress? Overwater?

    Thanks chi. Do you really think 5 x's per day at 20 min's is too much? Also, the 2 plants that have leaves curling down are the 2 closest to the center of my light which is 600watt HPS horticultural grade.
  7. HyDro Guy

    Nute Lock? Heat Stress? Overwater?

    I need a lil more advice on these girls, again 2 wks flowering, leaves are very dark green on top but curling down. Lights are pretty close 10" but I used Phosphoload to halt vertical growth and increase yield. Take a look at these pics and tell me what you guys think. I'm guessing nute lock...
  8. HyDro Guy

    General Hydroponics Nutes?

    Thanks for all your help peeps. Sry I didn't respond sooner but I was locked out of my account for a while for some reason. :finger: Not sure what I did wrong. I need a lil more advice on these girls, again 2 wks flowering, leaves are very dark green on top but curling down. Lights are pretty...
  9. HyDro Guy

    Calling any true muslims

    My bad, Abraham was the father of Ishmael which was an adulterous affair and years later (600 AD) Muhammed was born and looked upon as a prophet. Sry
  10. HyDro Guy

    Calling any true muslims

    And yes of course Christ has/will have an olive complexion, dont all Jew's. Ironically a half brother of the very people who hate him. MUSLIMS... It's all in the Bible and Koran
  11. HyDro Guy

    Calling any true muslims

    I do believe in God but Im havin a hard time with the fact that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Christ at the age of 14 due to immaculate conception. Also, if you know a little bit about the Bible and Koran you can clearly see that Muhammed is a false prophet born due to an adulterous affair from...
  12. HyDro Guy

    General Hydroponics Nutes?

    I have looked at many threads about General Hydroponics nutes and Im unsure of ratio. I have read that you only need 1/2 strength for GH but the Lucas formula contradicts that, I believe. I am 2 weeks into flowering, just switched to bloom and have PPM set at 1000. Should I go higher? Tryin to...
  13. HyDro Guy

    General Hydroponics Nutes

    I have looked at many threads about General Hydroponics nutes and Im unsure of ratio. I have read that you only need 1/2 strength for GH but the Lucas formula contradicts that, I believe. I am 2 weeks into flowering, just switched to bloom and have PPM set at 1000. Should I go higher? Tryin...
  14. HyDro Guy

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Got another Q bro. I have been flowering now for 2 weeks and my plants dont really have any smell. They stunk ore when veggin. LOL Is that normal
  15. HyDro Guy

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Hey bro I need some help again. I veg'd my plants for 8 wks and now they are too tall. I got a bit of bad advice and now I'm in a jam. These plants are mainly bubbelicious(Indica) and are supposed to be relatively short plants so I didn't think they would get too tall. I have read a little...
  16. HyDro Guy

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I need some help Uncle Ben. This is my first grow and now the plants are 8 weeks old and I need to flower. As you can see they are going to be in my lights in no time. I was told to veg for 8 wks then flower for 8 wks (I grow Cronic video) I have read a little about SCROG and saw some pics...
  17. HyDro Guy

    Advice please

    OK I have looked at many threads and decided to use the SCROG method but I'm still unsure how much to cut off the tops of my plants so they don't touch my light. Please help :wall:
  18. HyDro Guy

    Advice please

    Thats kewl bro, Im a noob at this and thought I should let them cycle 2 months between flowering. I guess now I need to know how much to cut off the tops before I flower themkiss-assI watched the video on super cropping and that looks painful, ouch
  19. HyDro Guy

    Advice please

    Thats kewl bro, Im a noob at this and thought I should let them cycle 2 months between flowering. I guess now I need to know how much to cut off the tops before I flower themkiss-ass
  20. HyDro Guy

    Advice please

    Thanks,Where in the hell am I? That is great info for the next crop of clones but what can I do now?