Advice please

HyDro Guy

Active Member
OK these plants are Bubbelicious and Super Skunk(Indica) 8 weeks old in a veg room. I am ready to flower them but as you can see they are pretty close to my light and my concern is how much taller they will get when flowering. These plants are supposed to be medium size so I'm not sure if they will grow much taller but if they do the top buds will be touching my HPS in the flowering room. What do I do? I have already topped them once during veg and used the tops for clones. This is my first grow and any advice would be greatly appreciated. TYVM


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Ter gonna be in those lights FER SURE!! Ya gotta LST, here ya go:
Alright, well first I'm not taking credit for LST or anything this is just my way for doing another version of LST. For those who don't know LST stand for Low Stress Training, the purpose of this method is to promote lower growth, maximize branching and evenly distribute light to create mutliple large cola's rather than just a single cola. It is also very helpful for those growing in confinde spaces or just like a nice bushy plant.

The Idea behind this method of growing is to use string or twine to spread the banches out allowing light to reach the inner and lower brances of the plant, in my method I do this as a gradual process to eliminate the chances of breaking a stem or anything of that nature. There are many other ways to achive the same effect but most cause the plant a great deal of stress where as with my method the plant usually recovers in 12-24 hours rather than days.

How-To Procedure and Example
Depending on you comfort level with the plants you can begin when your plant is at it's 4th node otherwise I recomend around the 6th node, at this point your plant is around 5"-8" inches tall with side and lower bances developing. At this time It is time to begin the first step:

Step 1: The first stage is to create a 90 degree bend in the main stalk, this allows even flow
of water, sugar and energy to multiple branches.

Step 2: The second stage is to keep new gowth parellel to the soil whenever possible to
promote axial growth and keep branch growth rates even.

Step 3: The third stage deals with the "hooking effect" which allows for easier tying and
better flow (assisted by gravity) to each branch.

Step 4: The forth stage is about weaving the branches and how u can continue using steps
2 and 3 to create a "bush" until you are ready to flower.


HyDro Guy

Active Member
Thanks,Where in the hell am I? That is great info for the next crop of clones but what can I do now?


Well-Known Member
wow, most strains will double if not triple in height during flowering. Veg'd for 8 weeks? Was there a reason behind that?.. alot people only veg for 2-4weeks before flowering especially if you are limited on room. I grow 12/12 from seed and with some strains like g13 power skunk my plants still get 6 foot tall in a DWC hydro.

HyDro Guy

Active Member
Thats kewl bro, Im a noob at this and thought I should let them cycle 2 months between flowering. I guess now I need to know how much to cut off the tops before I flower themkiss-ass

HyDro Guy

Active Member
Thats kewl bro, Im a noob at this and thought I should let them cycle 2 months between flowering. I guess now I need to know how much to cut off the tops before I flower themkiss-assI watched the video on super cropping and that looks painful, ouch

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Ive supercropped a lot! It is an excellent method, and in yer situation, I wud think its 1 of yer only way. Can ya possibly put up a screen above the canopy, @ the max height yer heat will let ya get? Cause then ya can train yer girls to stay under the screen. Thats wat a SCROG is, a SCReen of Green (opposed to SOG, a Sea of Green).
Some lollipoppin may be beneficial, as well, tho I am not sure as to how much ya can do so late

HyDro Guy

Active Member
OK I have looked at many threads and decided to use the SCROG method but I'm still unsure how much to cut off the tops of my plants so they don't touch my light. Please help :wall: