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  1. judahbotwin

    smokin the greeeeen greens

    u can totally smoke that stuff. that is exactly what i do. but definitely let it dry and cure
  2. judahbotwin

    12/12 and im broke

    damn. sounds like a cocktail and some thievery are your only options.
  3. judahbotwin

    cloning clones, then cloning those clones

    i have yet to run into a problem so make some clones bro
  4. judahbotwin

    How to grow short but fat plants?

    stick to indica for generically shorter plants. and if you fim, top, or super crop they will stay smaller also.
  5. judahbotwin

    Maximizing root growth in soil containers

    great advice. i am going to go buy that stuff tomorrow
  6. judahbotwin

    root stimulator... dude factory

    i used it with alot of my plants and had a normal female/male ratio.
  7. judahbotwin

    my pc grow

    they look good. looking like they will stay short since there isnt much growth between the nodes. how tall are you planning on letting them get? thinking about super cropping?
  8. judahbotwin

    Harvest now? More Nutes? Help I'm screwed!

    did you end up doing nutes or water? and when are you looking to harvest?
  9. judahbotwin

    Florida Growers Thread

    rock on florida. im up near jacksonville. nice to know there are others out there. and yes the weather is amazing, and now im headed back to the beach for a drink. :)
  10. judahbotwin

    cloning a clone

    sounds awesome. i wasnt sure about cloning a clone but i am definitely gonna try now. so the potency wont decrease and may increase? cause that sounds like something everyone should look into.
  11. judahbotwin

    Harvest now? More Nutes? Help I'm screwed!

    keep updating this thread. i am very interested in how it turns out. mine had the same problem on my first harvest, and im still trying to master the art of timing the harvest.
  12. judahbotwin

    Virgin grow

    they grow like crazy in flower, and 2 weeks from the end the buds will grow a ton but at least you know when its time to cut them.
  13. judahbotwin

    All sprouts have died don't know the problem

    over watering and over nuting were 2 problems i had. to check for overwatering you can put your finger in the soil around the stalk. (depth between 1/4 to 1/2 and inch) if your finger is moist anywhere but the tip dont water. if just the tip then its up to you. and if its completely dry water...
  14. judahbotwin


    i have grown alot of seeds from bud i smoked. a miniscule amount were natural hermies. i was experimenting with a few and sun poisoning, some of those ended up hermie. but as a whole it doesnt matter where you get the seeds, they will be fine in a good environment.
  15. judahbotwin

    FCK ME RUNNING<Droped seedling!!Help!

    you shouldnt have any problems. i have had the same thing happen and they are resilient little plants.
  16. judahbotwin

    Concerned about Harvesting! HELP

    did you grow 10 lbs worth in your apt too? that would be insane. how many lights is that?
  17. judahbotwin

    Best Game While Stoned!

    halo 3 is my game of choice while blazin. sometimes when im really gone though i have to play campaign cause its easier.
  18. judahbotwin

    Need help fast!!!

    im not sure about the ph cause i use soil. but it may just be a nutrient def. there is a thread in the plant problems area and it should be able to help you tell what nutrient it is. good luck.
  19. judahbotwin

    motherplant lighting cycle

    so i have a plant that i would like to make into a mother plant. it is still only a few weeks old but if its a girl i am going to use it. some of my other plants have auto flowered in the veg room, and i took that as a sign to move them to flower. how do you prevent a mother plant from auto...
  20. judahbotwin

    purchasing clones

    that would really suck to get mites. maybe i will just do it myself. its probably alot easier.