Need help fast!!!


Active Member
have a 6 pack hydro system going, bottom leaves of the plants have suddenly appeared to die. They are very very dry and crumble to the touch. Also have some strange white/yellow streaking that has appeared on a few of the plants. My PH was FUBAR yesterday (shot up to 8.1 for some reason) and I did a water change. I change the water at least once a week. Nutrient mix is pretty tame...600 watt light was about 12 inches from the tops of the plants...PH is good today 5.7, Dont know what other details to add, other than I am a beginner, this is my first time growing. I hope I added all the details you guys need to tell me what might be happening. :roll:


Active Member
have a 6 pack hydro system going, bottom leaves of the plants have suddenly appeared to die. They are very very dry and crumble to the touch. Also have some strange white/yellow streaking that has appeared on a few of the plants. My PH was FUBAR yesterday (shot up to 8.1 for some reason) and I did a water change. I change the water at least once a week. Nutrient mix is pretty tame...600 watt light was about 12 inches from the tops of the plants...PH is good today 5.7, Dont know what other details to add, other than I am a beginner, this is my first time growing. I hope I added all the details you guys need to tell me what might be happening. :roll:
NOTE: just checked again and my PH jumped up to 8.2 over night...what can be causing the PH to jump up like that? Is that the cause for the bottom leaves to dry on a few plants, all of them are looking not so healthy...


Active Member
NOTE: just checked again and my PH jumped up to 8.2 over night...what can be causing the PH to jump up like that? Is that the cause for the bottom leaves to dry on a few plants, all of them are looking not so healthy...
Here is what I have got going...note that I cut off the crumbling leaves before picture was taken



Active Member
another note...the feed lines were about and inch down, I just put them up to the top as everything just seemed way to dry


Active Member
another side note, the seeds were first germinated on 15 4 inches the right height to be at? I had the light a lot further away since its a 600 watt bulb and I figured it didnt need to be so close...did it?

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
A great way to regulate the pH of your soil is to use Dolomite Lime(calcium-magnesium carbonate). While growing Cannabis plants in containers, mix one cup of fine dolomite lime for each cubic foot of soil, then lightly water it. After watering, mix it once more and wait a day or two before checking the pH. While growing in an outdoor garden, follow the dolomite lime manufacturers instructions. Dolomite Lime works well because it has a neutral pH rating of 7.0 and tends to keep the soil a constant pH throughout the entire life cycle of the plant. This is a highly recommended method of regulating your soil pH.
If you find the pH of your soil or Hydroponic reservoir to be too acidic or basic you could add either pH up or pH down. These are chemicals sold at places like Home Depot or any Gardening store. They usually come in one liter bottles and are to be diluted in the water used to water the soil growing plants or the Hydroponic reservoir according to directions on the packaging.

Some examples of Home remedies to raise/lower pH are as follows:
1.Lemon juice. 1/4 tbsp can bring a gallon of tap-water from 7.4 to 6.3.
2.Phosphoric acid. lowers pH and provides Phosphor too!
3.Nitric acid. lowers pH.
4.Hydrochloric acid. strongest way to lower pH
5.Hydrated lime. flush soil with a teaspoon per gallon of water to raise pH.
6.Baking Soda. eats acids to raise pH.
7.Calcium carbonate. raises pH (very strong)
8.Potassium silicate. raises pH.


Active Member
I have PH up and PH down... EVERY FUCKING DAY its at 8.3 in the morning and I drop it down to 5.7-6.0...WTF?


Active Member
OK, so I hooked up the resevoir tank...hopefully that will help to stabalize the system some, at least the PH problem. Any ideas on why the leaves dried up? Light issues? Nutrients too high? BUELLER?

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
Try taking the temp just above the top of the plants...A 600 watt light 12 inches from the plant might be the problem..Cant help you much more on the hydro system if it's the cause of your ph problem..I stick with soil and coco :)


Active Member
im not sure about the ph cause i use soil. but it may just be a nutrient def. there is a thread in the plant problems area and it should be able to help you tell what nutrient it is.
good luck.


Active Member
I looked at that and it was no help. The leaves died in a matter of 2-3 days. Started with yellow lines, turned a shade of brown and dried up so I cut them off as I figured they would be using up a lot of the plants energy


Active Member
What do the Hydro guys think of going with just 100% water for a day or 2 to clear the system out? with a PH of about 6?


Well-Known Member
your ph going up is causing a magnesium defficiency. had the same thing. use feshwater aquarium buffer. its high quality and strong. it keeps ph stable for longer. but your leaves are crumbling from the mag def. its mostly at the bottom fan leaves right? and slowly creeping up the plant? if yes than thats your prob. fix ph with aquarium buffer and when you get it to 5.6 let it rise a little and then bring down again. this allows the nutes to be absorbed at the ph they desire. good luck


Active Member
your ph going up is causing a magnesium defficiency. had the same thing. use feshwater aquarium buffer. its high quality and strong. it keeps ph stable for longer. but your leaves are crumbling from the mag def. its mostly at the bottom fan leaves right? and slowly creeping up the plant? if yes than thats your prob. fix ph with aquarium buffer and when you get it to 5.6 let it rise a little and then bring down again. this allows the nutes to be absorbed at the ph they desire. good luck
You are the man...That sounds exactly like what is happening. Any clue why my PH would go from 6-8 over night?


Well-Known Member
because the plants are using the nutes like crazy. nutes may be acidic and therfore when used up cause the ph to go alkaline, up. Believe it or not your plants are prob saying we can handle more nutes. dont go crazy though. just up your dose 10-15% and see. use aquarium buffer as it is powerfull and consentrated. good luck man. measure carefull with that stuff. its strong and lasts longer


Well-Known Member
oh yah magnisium tends to be locked out of the plant at phs over 6. its ok to let the ph rise slowly a little though as diff nutes are absorbed by the plant at diff phs


Active Member
I tried something a little out of the ordinary, I took a magnesium capsule and added it to my resevoir...I wonder what that will do? Its a pill meant for human consumption, if its good enough for me, maybe it will help the plants?