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  1. J

    hello my bud lovers

    Just woke up to this LOL!
  2. J

    Quick Question!

    Thanks for replying! Been doing some research first before i start to grow mine.
  3. J

    Quick Question!

    If you don't mind, where do you get your buds? like on a website or even growing them on your own. Thanks
  4. J

    2023 A new beginning.

    My jaw dropped while looking at your post. All i can say is they are beautiful!
  5. J

    The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

    Thanks a bunch forr posting this! A lot of help for ra newbie like me!
  6. J

    Annie's update

    Ummm how long did it take you to grow them like that?
  7. J

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Been learning a lot from people in this community, thanks i found this!
  8. J

    Dandelion FPJ

    based on some articles i've read, dandelion fpj is a great kind of fertilizer. Wow!
  9. J

    how to increase the amount of nutrients in your comfrey patch

    Liquid Fertilizers in my opinion.
  10. J

    Fact or Myth: Don't use Trichoderma in flower

    Myth using Trichoderma during the flowering stage can be particularly beneficial as it supports overall plant health and can contribute to better flower development and quality. It helps to protect plants from pathogenic fungi and enhance nutrient absorption, which can have positive effects on...
  11. J

    Fact or Myth: Don't use Trichoderma in flower

    Based on some articled that I've read, It's a myth. using Trichoderma during the flowering stage can be particularly beneficial as it supports overall plant health and can contribute to better flower development and quality. It helps to protect plants from pathogenic fungi and enhance nutrient...
  12. J

    Does anyone knows this? The name and where can i get it?

    What is the name of this and when can i get one? thanks for helping
  13. J


    the fifth image caught my attention, it is very beautiful!
  14. J

    i want your opinions on something

    do not waste it, im pretty sure you'll find your answers here.
  15. J

    WEIRD seedling. Keep or bin ?

    give it time, it will grow just have it properly nourished.