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  1. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese first time 'ghetto' grow

    Yeah you should! its a cracking smoke. A friend grew some last year and aswell as quite a high yield it was a lovely smoke.
  2. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese first time 'ghetto' grow

    No I'm in England. they were from seed. I bought 5 bb cheese but one never even got out of the starting blocks.
  3. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese first time 'ghetto' grow

    thanks :D I have now hopefully got the pictures here to see..
  4. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese first time 'ghetto' grow

    the original post :
  5. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese first time 'ghetto' grow

    This was posted in the worng section so ill re post it here.. This is the start of my cheese grow. Only 4 plants. This is my first grow so please dont criticse too much on my lack of correct technique. I originaly Got 5 feminised seeds but one never even got out of the starting blocks. I am...
  6. Stoobydoo

    Fish tank water

    I read somewhere about a hydro grow that utilised a fish tank into the water cycle, it supposedly gave alot of nutrients into the water, but I really dont have the memory I used to so maybe you shouldnt listen to me. I do think its a good idea in principle, but neat water from a small tank may...
  7. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese grow..

    an update for anyone who is interested.. now approx 4/5 weeks into the grow. the seedlings are turning into lovely ladies now.. although not as tall as i expected by now, they are looking lovely, and also starting to smell sweet. This is a 'ghetto' grow but I am happy with the progress so far. I...
  8. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese grow..

    the temp sits at about 28c with the lights on and there is a good strong circulation of fresh air 24hrs a day. Should the fans be on the same timer as the lights?
  9. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese grow..

    yeah they are just about 3 weeks old. 2 weeks 24hr light 1 weeks 18/6. the soil is vermiculite and soil mix approx 1:4 ratio bongsmilie
  10. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese grow..

    No not giving them anything yet, just water.
  11. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese grow..

    the link to a gallery is at the bottom..
  12. Stoobydoo

    BB Cheese grow..

    This is the start of my cheese grow. Only 4 plants. This is my first grow so please dont criticse too much on my lack of correct technique. I originaly Got 5 feminised seeds but one never even got out of the starting blocks. I am putting the pics and the post up for a little advice. They all...
  13. Stoobydoo

    is this light any good?

    NICE! that seems like s good solution to me :bigjoint: I'm tempted to buy it now, but its gonna wait till payday.. I'm glad I found this site now, I first tried another well kknown site (well the only one i knew of) and didnt get half the help I have had here. :eyesmoke: thanks again people...
  14. Stoobydoo

    is this light any good?

    Thanks for the reply.. I am on quite a tight budget at the moment so if I could flower with my mh then I will do just that. I think, with this being my first go that I will try it with the mh and if I'm not happy with the result I'll buy a sodium then. My 6 little seedlings are under the mh now...
  15. Stoobydoo

    is this light any good?

    Rigteo :) Thanks for the info.. I've got my 400w mh now and will get it rigged tonight, I've been looking at the sodium bulbs so will now look at the fittings too. Shame you can't just swop the bulbs as I can get 4 mh housings/ballasts for free. I am going to start with 6 random seeds that I...
  16. Stoobydoo

    eyup :D

    Hey, am new here. Joined to ask some for some tips, as I'm contemplating starting an indoor grow. I'll maybe put a grow thread up once I get into the swing of things. Anyway I'm in Yorkshire England, I enjoy a good smoke as I'm sure you all do, so hope I can make the grow a good one :D Enough...
  17. Stoobydoo

    is this light any good?

    Thansk for all the info :D One last question.. Ive been looking at some hps bulbs. Do I need to swop exact wattage? so If Im using a 400w mh do i need a 400w hps? also, do i just swop the bulbs in the housing? or would I need another lightfitting for my hps bulbs? again, mucho gracias for the...
  18. Stoobydoo

    My PC Case Grow Box NanoMachine

    Ive never seen anything like it! Cracking idea :D absolutely love it!
  19. Stoobydoo

    is this light any good?

    righteo :D I got the terminology wrong.. so the veg is hte part before the buds? then the flowering is the bud part.. How long would you veg them for? What type of bulb would be good for flowering? If I used the aformentioned bulb for flowering what would the good/bad points be? thanks...
  20. Stoobydoo

    is this light any good?

    thanks for the advice :) would it be suitable to use it right the way throught he growth life? or do i need a different bulb for the pre-veg?