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  1. phillip12345

    How long would u say she has left? PICS

    Well its been out there for a while, cant tell u how an exact date. It might just b an effed up plant. Ill post new pics in acouple weeks. Thans for the input bros!
  2. phillip12345

    How long would u say she has left? PICS

    O ok, its random bag seed, i went on a trip and forgot about dates so 2 months was a guess. I appreciate the advise! I hope all goes well with her :)
  3. phillip12345

    How long would u say she has left? PICS

    Hey guy my plant's been flowering for about 2 months outside. I saw the hairs looking brown so i was wonderin when i should haverst her. Thanks guys :bigjoint:
  4. phillip12345

    First grow, Hows she lookin :D

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback. It makes me pretty damn happy to know shes doing well :D
  5. phillip12345

    First grow, Hows she lookin :D

    Hey whats going on guys, This is my first grow and was just wondering how shes looking :hump:. I vegged her for 1 month indoors under a 400 watt hps and now shes outside do to stealth issues. Shes about 3 feet tall and been flowering for about a month and a half. For any epxerienced growers, how...
  6. phillip12345

    I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?

    Just light up a doobie and stay away from the news, i get depressed everytime i see the news. Nothing ever good happens with that. I just pray and hope it all turns out well :) smoke on!
  7. phillip12345

    Are these hairs or new leaf growth? piczzz

    alright ill def do that.. thanks genetics :)
  8. phillip12345

    Are these hairs or new leaf growth? piczzz

    alright thanks for the quick reply, It's a month and a half old by the way
  9. phillip12345

    Are these hairs or new leaf growth? piczzz

    Hey, I know my plants a male for sure, lots of balls. Then i saw some hairs which made me think about a hermi,i would keep it if it was a hermi, id just trim the balls off everyday. not sure if it is or just new pant growth, heres the pics... Would appreciate anyone's input cuz ill kill it if i...
  10. phillip12345

    venting the room.....!?!?!

    im not sure about the air purifier, but my grow is in a 3x3x7 closet and with a 400 watt hps it gets about 90 without fans, i put one fan in the back corner, to blow the hot air to my big fan thats turned away from the plants, and pointing out the closet. If you turn a fan's back tords the room...
  11. phillip12345

    Confused about the sex, First grow

    Thanks makersknob, and to tell you the truth im pretty new to smoking. I still get the heart racing when i'm high and sketch out a little lol, i guess ill learn. Yeah i got 3 others growing so fingers crossed!
  12. phillip12345

    Confused about the sex, First grow

    THanks for the fast reply man, and i have some what of an idea of what a man looks like, i just got confused by the hairs. Thanks for the reply I guess ill give it a week nd cut it down if it gets more balls :bigjoint: appreciate it NeedHelp
  13. phillip12345

    Who Likes Reggae?? who likes some feel good gunjah music?

    The Expendables, Tomorrows bad seeds, and Pepper. I'm into the newer stuff since im pretty young, but went to a expendables/tomorrows bad seeds concert and was dank! bout 20 or 30 ppl passn blunts around
  14. phillip12345

    Confused about the sex, First grow

    Hey, This is my Very first grow, I have been reading on these fourms for about 3 months and finally decided to grow, This plant is a month old, random strain from bag seed, its under 400watt hps and its been 12/12 from seed. the thing is, i see little balls and i see little hairs, do the pistils...
  15. phillip12345

    leafs and buds

    Yeah, Like pennywise was saying. I guess you could put a humidifier in their but to much humidity would create bud mold, which sucks. Just leave em be.
  16. phillip12345

    101 Already Asked Questions

    How long do you think it would take to tell the sex of a plant thats 12/12 from seed and about a month old... Its under a 400 watt hps. I'm gonna start it on big bloom in about a week
  17. phillip12345

    gah knocked over cup = broken stem!!

    Hey tape that up asap, it happend to me and it was perfect in a weeks time, youl be fine :) happy growing
  18. phillip12345

    the BEST soil?

    I hear Fox Farm Ocean Forest is the best , I havn't heard of any place you can get it localy but im just a noob. Hope it helps anyways :bigjoint:
  19. phillip12345

    400W HPS + 45w of clfs 2700k-FLOWERING-PICS

    You might wanna make a ballast so more light will hit the plants, unless youv dont that already... looks sick tho nice work
  20. phillip12345

    What Do Those Numbers On The Fertilizer Mean?

    You mam, have saved me alot of time! I have looked everywere for a thread like this, well done.... and now i understand the numbers :) u have helped out a noob grower, I really appreciate it! thank you