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  1. jbblunts

    My PC Grow

    dude it is a computer, it is supposed to be complicated. Pick yourself up a dremel tool or even a rotozip with the cutting wheel.either one should cut the extra metal out of there. i am actually looking for information on finding high lumens lights that will work off the power supply as well as...
  2. jbblunts

    weak stems?

    thanks to all who posted a reply my plants are doing very well due to all the help I recieved
  3. jbblunts

    weak stems?

    how long should it take for them to get strong? I am thinking as soon as they get stronger to transplant them into some soil, this is my first grow with seeds i got out of a bag. also how can i post a picture of my setup?
  4. jbblunts

    weak stems?

    I just put one on them blowing gently I started rteading other posts and replies I also propped them up so hopefully with the fan they should start to strenthen am i correct?
  5. jbblunts

    weak stems?

    thanks, does this happen alot? how can this be avoided? I am actually use a cheap hydro system for growing herb gardens. no soil just need them to get big enough to clone them using rockwool .
  6. jbblunts

    weak stems?

    I have some seedlings that have fallen over after they reached about four inches tall they seem to still be growing after they fell, I need some advice as to why this happened please