My PC Grow


Well-Known Member
well it isnt much just an empty box, lol
just a load of metal gone now.
i just dont know what to do for the front now, i didnt really want to tear apart my cd/dvd players to glue the faces in to make it look legit, then i wont ever be able to use those plaers again , correct?


Well-Known Member
Im just blacking it out and gluing plates on it. Its goin to be 100% light proof and its an old comp case so im goin with the its not in use and just in the corner or in the closet cause im too lazy to throw it away method. so it wont get much attention at all


Well-Known Member
ahh icic.
yea i need to figure out what i am going to do with my front, i didnt want to ruin my players. i did spend a good amount of cash on them when i did purchase them further back


Well-Known Member
if you had any faceplates you could just glue them on and if you really wanted could hook up a little red or blue led bulb so it looks like its on standby or whatever


Well-Known Member
yea i left the LED on in it so it looks like that and i have an led on th fan for the power supply so it looks like an actual running pc, i just didnt have any spare face plates, i have 2 cd/dvd rom players for pc but i didnt want to ruin them. so not sure on my next move yet


Active Member
dude it is a computer, it is supposed to be complicated. Pick yourself up a dremel tool or even a rotozip with the cutting wheel.either one should cut the extra metal out of there. i am actually looking for information on finding high lumens lights that will work off the power supply as well as the fans so there would be no extra cords going in to the enclosure. do a light test when complete by turning on the grow lights and turn your room lights all off at night. this tells you where the light leaks are so you can caulk them.


Well-Known Member
dude it is a computer, it is supposed to be complicated. Pick yourself up a dremel tool or even a rotozip with the cutting wheel.either one should cut the extra metal out of there. i am actually looking for information on finding high lumens lights that will work off the power supply as well as the fans so there would be no extra cords going in to the enclosure. do a light test when complete by turning on the grow lights and turn your room lights all off at night. this tells you where the light leaks are so you can caulk them.
dude i just read an article- ill take pics and upload to prove if needed- but it was called Lumens are for Humans and explained whhy lumens arent important-Kelvin is, lumens is just the light enerygy that us humans see with our eyes, more lumen more light, more kelvin more energy for veg..


Well-Known Member
isnt Kelvin the unit for temperature?
i was always told it is the spectrum of the light that matters
(sun) being the best - because it includes all spectrums.
im interested in hearing more of what you read though


Well-Known Member
infected i use and most do for pc grow we use whatever watt perfferable 23 or high 6500k day light cfls for veg and like 2700k 23wat for veg all can be found at home depot or walmart or lowes for you americans


Well-Known Member
K i got shitty internet so im not uploadin pics tonight but you can hold me to it if someone wants ill post pics jsut bug me for them this weekend.(i go to wireless hotspots) but im gonna type some of the shit it said on here if you dont mind infected.


Well-Known Member
Lighting is by far the most intriguing aspect in the hydroponic industry. numerous variations, concepts and patterns exist to illuminate the paerfect perpetual garden. The world of horticultural lighting is cast and comlex and having proper lighting is one of the most important factors in keeping your garden healthy and thriving. It is because of this that hte initial investment can be a tad intimidating. Keeep in mind the efficiency is more imprtant than power meaning bigger is not always better. Consider which lights are producing the best spectrum for your plants bases on PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) watts, and NOT LUMENS. Maintain adeuate light dispersion based on foot-candles, or density of watters er square foot and your canopies will flourish. There are three different varieties of lighting that have proven to be effective in indoor cultivation. High Intensity Discharge HID lighting is the most popular choice for the average indoor gardener. Based on seed to harvest growth, it is the most effeiceient way to deliver productive lighting to plants. this type of lighting covers th most area, and delivers overal effectiveness in growth and roduction. New technolology fluorescentrs such as T-5 and compact fluorescents following next in line as competentt garen lighting.


Active Member
fuckk im to high shuda read the hole post i got some advice since u already stripped it pretty well just start putting some intake/exhaust fans in and start adding reflective material k , then ur lights up top use a 70w to 150w hps for flower or some 2700k cfl like 150w actual and ull have a pretty damn fine set up i have a cfl set up my self realy ghetto but it fucking works and im gonna harvest by 4/20/09, but if u need any advice hit me up


Active Member
Hey Sirus, where did you find that lumens article? I sure would like to read the whole thing! thnx man
Oh, and infected....don't be such a pussy! Just keep it clean or it will get...well...infected:lol: