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  1. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Hi there and thanks for the advice. I will upload some more pics when I can. For now I will keep her on 18/6. But if those buds grow any bigger and the trichomes look ripe I will probably just bite the bullet and harvest what I can and let the rest reveg. Maybe try planting a few clones as well...
  2. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes perhaps it is too soon. I will keep it on 18/6 for now and report back in a month. What concerns me is that the buds have grown bigger, frostier and smellier! Pistils are turning brown as well and there doesnt seem to be any additional leaves growing. It seems as if...
  3. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Hello Everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all! It's been just over two weeks since my last update. Here are a couple of pics of my babies. As you can see the buds have grown significantly bigger and looking frosty. I have been keeping her on 18/6 cycle as previously advised... OR should I...
  4. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Thanks for the advice about being rootbound. I will definitely keep an eye on that. I think my pots are big enough for now. I was given the right seeds actually. They were Bruce Banner photoperiods. Now I'm pretty sure that the cause of revegging was disruption in the light cycle due to power...
  5. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    I think you've hit the nail on the head! I'm growing indoors but in the tropics and yes there was several power cuts recently! FML... but this is the way! no probs I will ride it out! Thanks!
  6. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Ah there is hope then! (I could use her as mother plant and learn to clone!) Ok I will carry on with 18/6 for now. Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.
  7. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Thanks for the quick response. In your opinion should I just switch her to 12/12 and let her flower? Or keep going with 18/6 and continue with the revegging?
  8. R

    Flowers OR Pre-Flowers?

    Hi everyone, Newbie here! Can anyone tell me if these are flowers OR pre flowers? She's supposed to be a photoperiod (Bruce Banner)and I've been keeping her on an 18/6 veg cycle for about 6 weeks. Should I switch to 12/12 flowering cycle or are these Pre-Flowers and can I keep her vegging? Any...