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  1. IVotedForChange

    hydro nutrients

    are all the nute/ph testing tools so expensive?
  2. IVotedForChange

    hydro nutrients

    maybe someone can help me. i started a 4 tray SOG operation from scratch in my garage a while back. due to some unforseen circumstances, i had to temporarily abandon my efforts. i have the room buiilt and lighting purchased (1000 w hps to start with). my main question is about nutrients. what...
  3. IVotedForChange

    SOG should I or should I not

    you need to see al b. fucts old posts on getting a harvest every 2 weeks. that is the method i am currently using, it lays your questions to rest pretty quick
  4. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    hey gypsy long time no talk, my computer had spyware on it and it lost its IP address, so i was without a computer all this time until i could save up the cash to get it fixed, since i am no computer repair man. and i found my digital camera, but low and behold there is something wrong with it...
  5. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    hey gypsy saw some plans online to make an ebb/flo system from 3/4 '' plywood.. Have you ever done this or heard of this? plus side: could make any size you want. minus: expensive. unknown: sterility issues?? they say not to use a wooden cutting board for food cause of germs, would this not be...
  6. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    been into 32 oz containers for a day or 2 now just waitint for them to mature... then take the next steps.. been sorta planning and pricing some materials for the new hydro grow room.
  7. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    when in rome do as the romans... 1 gal pots it is!! only reason why i ask is i have a bunch of left over 32 oz pots (1/4 gal) and just wanted to use them up, but if everyone uses 1 gal pots and get the results that I PERSONALLY want to see, then i would be a fool not to use the 1 gal. but when...
  8. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    hey another quick question, if you use smaller containers (like smaller than 1 gal) for floweing in hydro SOG, is this bad for the plants, or will the only side effect be that they will grow smaller?? for example, lets say that a half gal container is used. will the plant be roughly half the...
  9. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    3 oz. from the humble beginnings of a shoelace... thats awesome.. and haha no i dont think i'd be mushing anything to get to your house. xcept maybe a cessna. i live just north of the mason-dixon line. i just make the hicks in the sticks because thats the local psyche in these parts...
  10. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    damn, you are absolutely right about the mold ond flashpoing of the cardboard. i was just looking at it as insulative, and with the sterility issues... i have sterilized everything that i use... the pots, all my little digging tools, i even sterlize my squirt bottles about every day... but the...
  11. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    yeah i am not prepared for the heat of summer yet, but trust me that room is sealed up tight.on cold days its freezing up there but when you open the door you can just feel the warm air rush out. and ive realized a couple days ago that a soil grow on this scale would be impossible. i'm just...
  12. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    could just drill a hole in side of pot 1/2'' below rockwool or fix overflow drain in tray to 1/2'' below the level of rockwool...?
  13. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    haha well where i am in all this is i have a room built in my attic. it is framed up from 1x2s, w/ big pieces of cardboard (appliance boxes, tv boxes) as exterior and interior siding. all seems in the cardboard siding (inside ond out) were sealed using... you guessed it, packing tape. what...
  14. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    ok so i think that little diagram in your last post also answered another question... once the clones have rooted in the rockwool, they stay in the rockwool as they are put in the hydroton?
  15. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    well found a hydro store. found 2 actually.. so one gallon pots gets you a 3 ft. lollipop? gotcha w/ no netpots, dont use them cause of the roots, right? just use a 1 gallon pot that has a hole in the bottom to allow water to fill and drain?
  16. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    i think in al's "harvest every 2 weeks" he uses 5 1/2" pots. i havent seen those around.. so what is the volume i should use, like gallon or half gallon? im talking about for flowering here, not veg. Im also having a hard time finding a hydro store where i live. bunch of crap.
  17. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    one of these days i am gonna be just like you, helping out the green horn green thumbs. would it be less stressful if i let them get mature in the soil then just take cuttings and insert them directly into hydro system? would be just kinda like using the soil to get the plants up, then then as...
  18. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    heres one for you gypsy now that i have my 12 day old seedlings in soil, how do i get them into a hydro system asap?
  19. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    Also, since my light is 1000w hps, should i periodically shift it over the crop for better coverage? before to much longer i'll get all the lights i need, just figured 1000 w hps is a good place to start.
  20. IVotedForChange

    soil or hydro?

    there has been no other method ive considered than SOG lollipops. seems like you can really pack them together under HPS and get great results. so let me see if i am reading you right... are you saying that after sexing and pulling males that, instead selecting mothers and setting them aside...