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  1. F

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    I went to Cozumel last june and took about 7g's of cheese with me, probably the most smelliest weed you can get and got through fine, this was from the uk but im planning on going back to Cozumel next month and plan on taking 14g with me this time, whats going on over there atm then as i thought...
  2. F

    Bro they are the shiznit im tellin ya, check em out at Breed Bay, i use same handle as here

    Bro they are the shiznit im tellin ya, check em out at Breed Bay, i use same handle as here
  3. F

    Post Your Top Celebs You Wanna take to dinner

    Wifey, not gonna tell ya which 1, who the fuck would wanna go with an airhead celebrity
  4. F

    who has the best cheese ?????

    Yeah you got the exodus cut over there m8, tbh i wouldn't bother with any of them unless you can get the exo cut, lote of better stuff out there that don't take 10 weeks
  5. F

    So my girlfriend is a whore???

    Everybody is entitled to a past bro, and to be honest why would you even ask such a question ya weirdo, say she was honest and said 'yeah i've fucked my fair share of fella's' would it make you feel any different? It shouldn't do if you're a man cos i find its tends to be the woman that wants...
  6. F

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    UK Cheese is in the states fella's, been there for some time now, same as we got the sfv og kush, ecsd and purple kush and stuff like that, not hard to send them in the post m8. I don't know what coco the person is using that said it holds too much moisture but all the coco i've ever used has...
  7. F

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Cheers bro, yeah that was a bit of a nightmare that grow, obviously once the string is up the plants can't go nowhere so if this makes any sense i hand water, but with a pump, lol. Basically what i have to do is due to the size of the tent and me being a tree grower, when the plants are right...
  8. F

    Help on growing in the UK

    Put seeds in a cup of water for 12-24hrs, then remove and put in a wet paper towel inside a sealy bag/ziplock bag for 12-24hrs, by then they should have cracked or you will see the split where its starting to crack, plant tap root facing down, piece of piss.
  9. F

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Yeah there was some confusion whether my cut was a Psychosis or a Cheese, i was told it was cheese by the person who gifted it to me and called it cheese for 2yrs so to me its cheese, Jah smelt it and said it was cheese aswell so thats good enough for me. I don't know if i would have pulled a...
  10. F

    Gave birth to my little one! =)

    Nice1, my gorgeous lil girl weighed 8'4 aswell.
  11. F

    i hate rap music

    What kinda shit is that, teaches you how to be a criminal and how to succeed, if thats the case bro then you need to get off this site cos what were doin is a crime and you can succeed from this crime.
  12. F

    Help on growing in the UK

    When we had the snow a few weeks back i was out at 8am looking for a spot, my growing skills i would say are at their peak atm, i've been doin this for 7yrs but never have i grown anything outdoors, i know to stick them out when the last of the ground frosts have gone so around mid to end of...
  13. F

    i hate rap music

    Beats, lyrics and metaphores, act like ya know ho, lol
  14. F

    i hate rap music

    If listening to any type of music makes you feel hateful toward another mo'fucker then that person has underlying issues anyways and should seek help. Its only music and to be quite frank this thread is a waste of bandwidth, how about talking about something constructive like NPK ratio's lol.
  15. F

    Neville's haze vs. arjan's haze

    He gave himself that name bro, nobody else would call him that, if you met the dude you would know how far up his own ass he really is, i blanked him when i saw him. Arjan buys cups, not wins them and he isn't even the grower, Franco does most of the growing for Greenhouse Seeds all Arjan does...
  16. F

    i hate rap music

    I agree, rap is poor because it isn't competitive, now hip hop on the other hand is a whole different ball game altogether, i've been listening to hip hop since 93-94 and most of my collection consists of hip hop from late 90's to early 2000, im talking the likes of Red, Meth, and the whole...
  17. F

    Neville's haze vs. arjan's haze

    There is no competition bro, Shanti's Nev Haze will cream anything of Arjan's.
  18. F

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Hey Mr West bro, i use 1200w in cooltubes to pull that 866g's, it was my 1st coco grow and i was a right lazy fucker aswell, out on the piss and not watering for days so i reckon i could have easily smashed that if i had put the time in. I didn't click on the link but i gather it was of the...
  19. F

    whats nutrients make rock solid buds??

    Whatever you do don't buy a product called 'Rox', that shit will ruin your crop
  20. F

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Grow more plants, i pulled 866g's off my last cheese grow from 9 plants, i keep around 125g's of the best of it and the rest my buddies have, by the time next crop comes down i normally got around an oz left and i take another 125'g's, i had 10 month cured couple of oz of cheese not so long ago...