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  1. blueboys

    250 hps + cfl or 400 hps - closet, suggestions?

    HPS all the way, just keep an eye on temp, no higher than 80F
  2. blueboys

    250 Watt HPS lamp ok for 2x4 closet?

    I would use both, 1 to suck out all that hot air and the other to circulate fresh air and make the stems strong
  3. blueboys

    Seeds on ebay

    Really!!! ive come across many shops that do
  4. blueboys

    Seeds on ebay

    whos to say your not buying the equipment to start growing your own tomatoes or cabbage, after all having the equipment isnt against the law but I suppose you would have to find out some back ground info on the seller and check ratiing, feedback etc Big bud, blue cheese, armergeden and skunk
  5. blueboys

    Seeds on ebay

    this guy is selling seeds, £5 for 20!! anyone else think this is dodgy?
  6. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    new update!! i flushed my ladies yesterday, checked them today and their lookig great!!! really bushy. check out the pics.
  7. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    Im using a HPS 400wbulb with ballast and metal halide
  8. blueboys

    Melb Newb

    Hi and welcome chilldil
  9. blueboys


    Hi and welcome to the site, get some pics up of the girls
  10. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    thanks for the info, ill just play by trial and error. ill give u guys an update in the next few days. :bigjoint:
  11. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    ha ha, i thought it didnt seem right, ill search you journal see what info i can use, i have another question tho. my plants seem to be drinking more, should i up the amount of water and nutes?? the pots always feel light thanks
  12. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    Do you not give your plants flowering nutes during flower????
  13. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    Thanks, ill move the light but how would you explain the lower leaf turning yellow in the first pic?
  14. blueboys

    HELP!!! second week into flowering

    Hi guys help is needed, im in my second week of flowering and some of my leaves are starting to yellow and crisp abit, ph of my water and nutes are fine, ive not flushed, as i dont wanna over water. feeding every 3rd day and watering everyother. any advice would be great.
  15. blueboys

    How do i tie down my plant

    tie your plant down the minute it starts growing, use cotton or string and loosely tie it round them stem and tack it to the wall, floor or pot. the other option it to grow the plant in a small pot to stunt the growth. hope this helps
  16. blueboys

    Welcome New Members!

    hello to all that grow the green sticky sticky, im new to the site and on my 2nd grow but this time in soil for the first time, with hydro i was really restricted for space and movement, i have 3 ladies all in their second week of flowering, ill attempt at posting up pics so you guys can tell me...
  17. blueboys

    Yellow small plants.!!

    whats your Ph, what nutes you using, how often are you watering and feeding? could be a number of things, do a search on plant problems, sure ive seen this posted before
  18. blueboys

    My grow room video

    you must be proud of those girls
  19. blueboys

    WookieWeed's First Grow. New Pics! - Flowering

    As monkz said, how long did you veg for? for best results train your baby from young, tie it down the min it starts growing, your gunna find it hard to tie down as the stem will get thicker and stronger to hold the buds.
  20. blueboys

    10days into flowering..sexing....

    Hi, im new to the site but not new to growing, some nice plants you have there, id give it another week or 2 before you see signs of sex, males form little pollon balls (They look like small bunched of grapes) if you see these get rid of the plant! you dont want it breeding with your girls if...