10days into flowering..sexing....


Active Member
hi , first time grower here so need a help from some of you experts.

firstly i have 4 plants (durban poison) all from which were planted from seed (which i doubt were feminized so there is a high chance of males. ) they are under a 400w hps with a fan circulating the air around the plants.

They have been on 12 and 12 for 10 days now and was just wondering when and how i will be able to tell the females and males apart.

One is about 15" tall and the rest are all around 10". I veged them for around 5weeks and decided it was now time to flower as i heard they double in size by the time they have flowered completely, and another reason being i dont have a huge amount of space.

I will post pics shortly .

thanks any help is appreciated



Active Member
few more pics
Hi, im new to the site but not new to growing, some nice plants you have there, id give it another week or 2 before you see signs of sex, males form little pollon balls (They look like small bunched of grapes) if you see these get rid of the plant! you dont want it breeding with your girls if you have any, the ladies will show little white hairs which will turn brown when ready to harvest.

good look bro, they look sweet


Well-Known Member
3 weeks to tell sex c'mon blueballs.. :roll:

i sexed 9 plants in under a week at 12/12, they're probably not getting enought dark time! make sure it's PITCH BLACK during their off time and DO NOT DISTURB them during this time!