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  1. CRUEHEAD783

    Got Lucky

    Yes, I'm a full-time freshmen in college. It's going pretty well, I like my scedule so it's nice.
  2. CRUEHEAD783

    so I just got back from gripping a QP

    Damn, for dank a QP here is 1150. And If its super fire 1350. I can flip it and make a few hundred though.
  3. CRUEHEAD783

    Got Lucky

    So I got a new part time job for some extra money. I was sure I was gonna get tested, but on the application it pretty much says that they don't give a fuck, as long as you dont come on drugs or are on drugs when doing anything job related. Its at nutrition care at the hospital for my University...
  4. CRUEHEAD783

    Cannabutter - I want my THC back!

    Some guy today insisted that him and his friends "squeeze" the bud until the "liquid THC" comes out. Then they smoke it in a "crack pipe"
  5. CRUEHEAD783

    Why can't people get as high as the first time they smoked/got high

    The first time I got high, I hated it. I started jumping on a tramp, running around the block, washing my face, anything that made me "un-high". 2nd time I loved it :)
  6. CRUEHEAD783

    your fav. blunt

    Blueberry, grape, and the occasional mango wrap.
  7. CRUEHEAD783

    So scary last night

    It was two monitors, two cpus, a keyboard, mouse, wires, speakers and a fax machine. I asked the cops if they saw someone put them there, and they said no and recommended not touching them. They moved them to the curb. I took the speakers inside and put everything else in the garage this...
  8. CRUEHEAD783

    So scary last night

    So last night I got home around 1:30. I turned on my street and there was 3 cop cars in front of my house. I tripped fucking balls. They shined the light at the car, so I pulled in and got out. I have one plant my friend gave me 2 days ago, so I thought that's what they were there for. I was...
  9. CRUEHEAD783

    How to quit smoking blunts?

    I read somewhere that alot of people ARE addicted to the hand to mouth motion. Do it with a carrot or something and DONT BUY BLUNTS!
  10. CRUEHEAD783

    Took a break from RIU....

    Nothing right now bro, Im taking care of some things first. My friend was like "dude you still on that pot website?" And I had an urge to get on!
  11. CRUEHEAD783

    Took a break from RIU....

    And I missed it today! so Im back. Hope things got better here. How was everyones day? :mrgreen:
  12. CRUEHEAD783

    This thread is in your honor gogrow (fuckyou)

    Know what, Fuck this stupid website. Props to the creator but all these members fucking it up for me. And while were making shout outs, I just gotta say fuck you "Lucas"! You have to go thread to thread posting my story of something you would never have the balls to do. There's been a few cool...
  13. CRUEHEAD783

    Compulsive Liar

    I'm gonna clear some things up. I grew up in the hood. My school always smelled like weed. Between class periods, at least 4 or 5 kids would light up in the bathroom. These kids would get in fights with teachers, and be back at school a few days later. If you got smoking in the bathroom, you...
  14. CRUEHEAD783

    Compulsive Liar

    You know what man, Fuck you. I know what I did so i don't care If you or any other fucker doesn't believe me. I posted what happened, and if you dont believe me, thats your problem.
  15. CRUEHEAD783

    My patience finally paid off.

    i would never smoke that. That looks so dry. I feel like coming over there and giving you some good bud so you dont have to smoke that.
  16. CRUEHEAD783

    My first bong!

    If theres no water, Its a really bad pipe. I dont understand that "bong" at all.
  17. CRUEHEAD783

    My patience finally paid off.

    So how much ended up being in the bag?
  18. CRUEHEAD783

    Who are you? a/s/l

  19. CRUEHEAD783

    College parties....

    I have gone to a couple. I like them for what I have seen! There was this one on New Years. I dont remember it much, all I remember was that it was fun.
  20. CRUEHEAD783

    What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done While Stoned?

    Your funny. But what the hell is your problem? I really don't care if some random person on the internet doesn't believe me about something.