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  1. Natural77

    I just did an epic turd.. felt great..

    that picture is too funnnnyyy
  2. Natural77

    Bump If You're Baked!

  3. Natural77

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Hitting black widow... ggggreeeeaaattt !
  4. Natural77

    Simply NORTHERN LIGHTS! 350watts CFL's.

    I just started my grow using some shwag seeds, just to see how everything turns out before I buy some really good seeds. How many cfl's should I use to grow 6 plants?
  5. Natural77

    First Time Grower Need a little Help

    Thanks for the replies. I'm making a buy list right now. Do you know of a better seed to use for beginners?
  6. Natural77

    First Time Grower Need a little Help

    Could I use the same lights I use during vegg for flowering? I will have to measure my space, but it will be about the size of an avg. closet. Also, What kind of soil should I use and nutrient solution if any do I need?
  7. Natural77

    First Time Grower Need a little Help

    I have been researching on which way is the fastest cheapest way to grow. I think I have my mind set up for an indoor grow using soil. I just want about 4-6 plants for my own personal use. What is the cheapest fastest way to grow descent bud without throwing out mad dough. Also, could someone...