First Time Grower Need a little Help


Active Member
I have been researching on which way is the fastest cheapest way to grow. I think I have my mind set up for an indoor grow using soil. I just want about 4-6 plants for my own personal use. What is the cheapest fastest way to grow descent bud without throwing out mad dough. Also, could someone help with the best and newbie list of seeds I should buy. Any and all info would be great..



"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
hey natural77. i went the cheapest way for the space that i had. it depends on the size of your room. i have a 1.5x3.5x2 roughly and i vegged with 6 26 watt daylight cfl. my girl got to big so i got to get a new room. my first grow was in my closet 4x6x3 and i used 28 26 watt daylight cfls on two plants and i had a nice harvest off my two girls. what size space are you growing in??? well good luck and best wishes growing!!!


Active Member
Could I use the same lights I use during vegg for flowering? I will have to measure my space, but it will be about the size of an avg. closet. Also, What kind of soil should I use and nutrient solution if any do I need?

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
i used the cool white for veg and the daytime for flower. some people use the blue for veg and flower some people use the blue for veg and red for flower. (when i say blue and red im talking about the color of the light). it depends on what you want and what you think is going to work for you.. if it was me i would use cool white for veg and daytime for flower. there is alot of good dirts out there the fox farm has good dirts. i forget the name of the dirt i got but it dont have no nutes in it. i like that because when its time to feed it, it get the food that you are feeding it. i let my dirt dry out then water my girl so that she sucks all the food right up. good luck

Brick Top

New Member
Could I use the same lights I use during vegg for flowering? I will have to measure my space, but it will be about the size of an avg. closet. Also, What kind of soil should I use and nutrient solution if any do I need?

You can but if your lighting only puts out one area of light spectrum, as in bluish or reddish you will not have great results because either in veg or in flower your plants will not be getting the light spectrum they need the most. If you mix them you will of course be giving them both but then they will only be getting half of what they could otherwise get from the same number of lights if all the bulbs were the right spectrum for each stage of growing.

You said you want to get into growing inexpensively. Well that is of course something that is relative because what is inexpensive to you and what is inexpensive to me could very likely be two totally different things. But normally when someone says they want to do it inexpensively that equates to inadequate lighting, among other things.

Maybe you should reconsider things a bit and find a way to increase your budget even if that means putting off growing for a while and saving up some more money.

If you take the inexpensive route the same way that so many others have you will end up with poor growth, low yields and less potent herb. Unless you will only be buying inexpensive beans or using bagseed will what expense and effort you go through and the risk you will be taking be worth what you will end up with?

Do you want to grow a small amount of mediocre herb? That is what you are likely to end up with if you do things inexpensive, as in what most people consider to be inexpensive.

Consider doing this. Look at what you have to spend and then formulate a list of what you will purchase and post it and ask people for their opinions of how well it will work. Also be sure to include as many details as possible about the size of the area you will be growing in, what is it as in if it is a box, a closet a room or whatever and ventilation and if you will be growing in soil and if so what type and if you know what type of ferts you will be using include it/them and average normal temperature of the room even without any grow lights on and what reflective material you will use and anything else and everything else you can think to list.

If you do that people will be able to say this part is will work, that part will not work, this part needs tweaking/upgrading etc. and in the end you will have the best setup you can for your budget. That is if your budget is large enough to put together something worth using.


New Member
I'm a new grower here and opted for a HPS setup. I know what you mean about budget, I spent under $350 and put together a nice grow room. my grocery list was
plastic, mylar, light fixture, nails, dirt, fertilizer, containers
and my already had it / reused it list
containers (from a cafeteria, appx. 1 gallon food cans), heater, fan, plywood and everything else

Go to ebay or wal-mart and pick up flourescent lights / hood. expect at least $30 here
Pots are cheap, use cans / canisters / containers from the kitchen to start and buckets to continue, or shell out a few dollas for some pots. $0-30
Buy the plastic new, and mylar is pretty key. I bought black plastic. $20-30

make a list and see what you can get for free / cheap

reuse as much as possible, buy things that last rather than one time use disposables.


Well-Known Member
spending a lil extra always pays off my friend. BUUUUTTT

the cheapest way to grow would be to buy some soil, preferably fox farm ocean soil.
and some perlite for better water drainage if needed.

go to ace hardware and buy two shop lights and 4 flourecent bulbs.
altogether it should come out to around 15 bucks

with the soil $25.00

you can use basic water make sure its luke warm. room temp

get some ph up and down from a pet store and test strips you want something around 6.0

distilled water is the best you can buy it from a grocery store.

buy a 24 hour timer from a pet store or even kmart or ace hardware home depot menards blah blah blah

buy a tray and humidity dome[ you can find these at home depot or menards in the garden section]

get some starter seedling pots and then some regular sized pots.

water every 2-3 days

veg 18hr light on. 6hr light off

flower 12hr light on 12hr light off

flower for about 8-10 weeks

to get better results id suggest buying some fox farm grow big nutrients and foxfarm big bloom and add to watering as directed

any more questions?


New Member
If you get cheap all-spectrum flourescents you're looking to pay at least $20 a plant to light them to maturity


Well-Known Member
im talking the long flourecent bulbs i got two sholights they hold two bulbs each and they work great for veg. ill be buying another soon once my clones mature. Two shoplights are good for 4-5 plants, depending on size


Well-Known Member
go to that same site ^^^^^^ they got 250 watters for 117 i think its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy bettter that flourecents but they COST MORE TO RUN!@!!!!!!and MOST of the time theyre only used to FLOWER.

alot of people, almost most use flouros to veg either that or metal halides


New Member

they veg slow,flower slow...sure theyll keep a plant alive and WILL produce a couple grams of homegrown..but for the effort you put it,its not worth it at cannabis its GO BIG OR GO HOME....get ATLEAST the 150w..i have 2 400 w hps..n i luv getting more than a DRY pound per 400w.....every month....