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  1. M

    Rusty red leaves - 3 weeks flower help

    Thanks alot boys, should I just water with plain water for the next couple times ??
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    Helpp leaves orangey

    White russian 3 weeks into flower, need to find out what the problem is check these pics out, please and thank you people
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    Rusty red leaves - 3 weeks flower help

    Hi evryone i have 5 white russians that are 3 weeks into flower and hav e now developed these rusty red looking leaves, more so orange and I need to fix this problem and find out what it is, i need your help people. thanks
  4. M

    Orange rusty leaves - white russian please helps

    Need some help. 2.5 weeks into flower, leaves are starting to turn to a rusty orange, need to know what problem it is and how to treat it quickly. I appreciate it people, lets save this white russian ! Also, should i take off dead foliage or leave it?
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    Grow journal - White Russian And Mazar

    These are the White russians ONLY 2 weeks into flowering !!
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    Grow journal - White Russian And Mazar

    Hey there everybodyy, ALRIGHT, today is the day my little girls are let free into theyre 12 hour photoperiod. First i'll give you the quick jist of the set up. I had 11 White Russian seeds and 5 Mazar freebies, I started the Mazar first because this is my first grow and I didnt want to fuck up...
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    Can you flower plant and keep it as mother?

    Actually all the plants have started showing dominant pre flowers and out of 4 mazars and 11 white russians, i only had 4 males ! and all the mazar were female, nuts.
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    43 Days Flowering, White Russian

    Hey im growing some white russian right now and theyre about a month into veg from seed, how long did you veg those suckers for before putting them into flower? from the time they germed ??
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    Can you flower plant and keep it as mother?

    Hey ive got a bunch of plants vegging right now and theyre about a week or so away from flowering, its really hard to tell if theyre male or female, so if I wanted to put them into flowering for a week, would I still be able to take a mother plant from that and be able to clone it without any...
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    Brown spots??? PLEASE HELP !

    and also take a look at that third picture, the russian thats leaves are a tad yellow, how can i fix that problem ??
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    Brown spots??? PLEASE HELP !

    I havnt been checking the PH, those plants have been great with nutes and such. I think you may have something there with the foliage resting in the soil, im not to sure how to avoid that considering the leaves on this mazar are huge but it hasnt grown that tall
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    Brown spots??? PLEASE HELP !

    Hey, so I have some white russians and mazar growing and all of them seem to be fine but two of them, 1 mazar and 1 white russian, the plant itself looks fine its just this one leaf that has some brown spots on it ?? if you could take a look at these pictures, and also the one that has partial...
  13. M

    White russian and MAZAR - first time grower

    Also one of the plants the one on the left corner closest to the picture of the mazar, i went down there today and it looks as if the leaves are droppy, now mind you the leaves are fucking huge on this plant but do you think over wattering could have layed a part??
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    White russian and MAZAR - first time grower

    haha why bother eh? some plants are better to be topped, some not. i think after these i'm going to take a shot at some Chronic, I heard its a heavy yielder. How much do you think the average harvest on a mazar and a white russian would be ??
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    White russian and MAZAR - first time grower

    these were started from seeds, i dont mind vegging them for a while, will I get a bigger harvest if i veg for longer ??
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    White russian and MAZAR - first time grower

    How long of vegging do you think give or take before they show pre flowers? the mazars have been vegging for about 23 days. thanks for all the help and quick replies dude, i appreciate it
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    White russian and MAZAR - first time grower

    Thanks alot dude, how long do you think before I can start figuring out which buggers are going to be male?? also, i guess its normal that some grow quicker than others, should that be a problem in the future for the ones that are stil tiny? and the 1000 w is about 4 feet away from the plants...
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    Harvest Time Guess. White Russian, 53 Days

    What was your average harvest per plant?? I've got 11 white russians growing but theyre only about 13-14 days into veg, your plants look damn good, i'm jealous
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    White russian and MAZAR - first time grower

    Hey everyone, i've been looking at this site for a while now, and it seems helpful for new growers with all the experience on this website, I thought i'd share my bit. I'm a first time grower, I purchased some white russian from serious seeds because well we all know about how potant it is, and...