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  1. High Flyer09

    >plant dying/drying?<<< help

    hey man i'm a pretty new grower too. just an idea but i would say your over watering them, wait until about the first inch of soil is completely dry and then water. and i wouldn't pluck the leaves until they turn yellow and you can easy pull them off. the plant uses the leaves for...
  2. High Flyer09

    >plant dying/drying?<<< help

    the temp stays between 60-75 f. ive been using diluted miracle grow every other water. yea a couple times i didn't check on the plant for a few days and it grew right up to the light and burnt some of the leaves. yea it might be getting too humid.. there's no ventilation except for a fan but i...
  3. High Flyer09

    >plant dying/drying?<<< help

    these are off my cell
  4. High Flyer09

    >plant dying/drying?<<< help

    hey whats going on. i have a plant about 3 weeks into flowering and the buds are coming along. like the top 4 big fanned leaves look to be wilting and drying too soon. what could this be a cause of? the top bud also looks be be drying up and some of the hair seem to have dried completely? i'm...
  5. High Flyer09

    >sexing questiong<<<<

    alright cool. yea i had a feeling it was a herm. i'll try removing was looks like the male parts and see how that works. take it easy..
  6. High Flyer09

    >sexing questiong<<<<

    whats up. i got a plant that is about 3 weeks into flowering and its getting filled with white hairs, and a few ball like things that may look like male pollen sacks. there is only a few of these things on the whole plant but does this mean my plant is a hermaphrodite? ill have pictures in the...
  7. High Flyer09

    >fertilizer question< >need answer<

    alright cool thanks for the quick reply. does the molasses make the buds bigger or just more dense? later
  8. High Flyer09

    >fertilizer question< >need answer<

    hey whats going on. i have miracle grow plant food and i was wondering if you water with addition to the fertilizer or do you substitute it for the water. and i'm gonna be flowering soon and i heard using molasses will make the buds more dense. anyone have any luck with this? how much do i...
  9. High Flyer09

    >watering/fertilizing question<

    i just need some suggestions and advice on how much i should water and fertilizer. i have miracle grow plant food. i've heard you should only give a plant about 200ml a week. does this include the plant food or how much fertilizer i should use? any advice will help.
  10. High Flyer09

    >CO2 Question<

    o thats cool.. thanks for the link. gotta try that out. later
  11. High Flyer09

    >CO2 Question<

    i heard that if you put a small bowl of water in your grow room that it will increase the humidity. i also heard that you could spray seltzer water on plants to get co2... and i was wondering if you put a bowl of seltzer water in your grow room if there is any way of it getting into the air for...
  12. High Flyer09

    >Nutes Question< >need answer<

    alright cool thanks... do i just put it on top of the soil and water it and let it soak it?
  13. High Flyer09

    >Nutes Question< >need answer<

    hey i'm on my second week of growing and i found some '10-10-10 Lawn, Garden, & Shurb Food' laying around. can i use this stuff on my plants? will it help at all?
  14. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    alright guys. thanks for the quick info and advice. take it easy. good growing
  15. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    alright man... how often should i use the miracle grow when i start it. my other plants seem healthy and i've done the same to all of them... should i flush all of them?
  16. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    about three or four times a week
  17. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    alright sounds good... around what week should i introduce the nutes
  18. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    o... when should i start with the nutes?
  19. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    yea i got some in the soil and i'm using diluted miracle grow
  20. High Flyer09

    >?dying plant?<

    my leaves are starting to droop more than my other plants.