>plant dying/drying?<<< help

High Flyer09

Active Member
hey whats going on. i have a plant about 3 weeks into flowering and the buds are coming along.
like the top 4 big fanned leaves look to be wilting and drying too soon. what could this be a cause of? the top bud also looks be be drying up and some of the hair seem to have dried completely?
i'm using 2- 34w cfl's. growing in closet with fan running all the time. anyone has an idea thatd be cool. later


Well-Known Member
the way the leaves are curling down like that it almost looks like the start of over fert. but i dont see any burns what is the temp and humidity. if the temps and hum. are to high it makes it hard for you plants to breathe but with that there are usually some spotting on the leaves where they are suffocating.


Well-Known Member
actually i see a little bit of some burning going on is that from the light or is that what you are talking about. if the light didnt come in contact with the plant then i would have to be over fert.

High Flyer09

Active Member
the temp stays between 60-75 f. ive been using diluted miracle grow every other water.
yea a couple times i didn't check on the plant for a few days and it grew right up to the light and burnt some of the leaves. yea it might be getting too humid.. there's no ventilation except for a fan but i usually open the door a few times a day. should i just leave the door open?
thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
well i think opening it a couple times a day is good, if you have a fan available maybe put it in front of the door when you open it blowing in just to speed up the air exchange. that is not a must but will just speed it up. but if the discoloration is only from the lights then you will be good. one thing what is the n\p\k rating of the MG. if you have some extra money now or if you will at the end of the grow, go to growshop.com and locate a grow shop around your area and pick some better nutes that is more aimed toward the type of plants you like to grow. but they are looking good from what i see. is it a bag seed grow? oh and try to keep your lights around 2 in. away. probably already know that but just checking.


Active Member



I am going to use this space to put my problem and if anyone can help I would appreciate. My plants are 4 weeks old and the biggest one started to die ( I believe ). the leaves wend soft and down/curly in a space of 8 hours. the next day I transplanted the plant to a new pot and washed the soil with pure water. Check the pics and see for yourselves.

I have a CFL 150W with at the moment the spectrum for Veg.
16hours of day and 6 of night
fan blowing during the day time and of at night time
I introduce baby bio on the 3 week and I think I may have put it too much because stated that you should feed once every 2 weeks and I did 3 times just that week.
The big one strain is Ice ( 3 of them ) and the smaller one is White widow.
I am not checking Ph of soil as I am as newby as one can be. I know Jack about weed growing and I am the first to admit. God bless my dealer because grow this plant is hardcore.

The leaves underneath are very green and they look good.. should I pluck the bad leaves and let the new ones take over???

If you guys need any info just let me know.

Thanks a Lot

High Flyer09

Active Member
hey man i'm a pretty new grower too.
just an idea but i would say your over watering them, wait until about the first inch of soil is completely dry and then water. and i wouldn't pluck the leaves until they turn yellow and you can easy pull them off. the plant uses the leaves for photosynthesis so let them go as long as possible.
take it easy.