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  1. C

    Do i really need CO2 for my flowering plants?

    If the plant can utilize 1500 PPM and the ambient air is roughly 300-500, then wouldn't the plant benefit from the CO2 supplimentation regardless of the room size?
  2. C

    Co2 help!

    I know that during CO2 dispersal and a few hours after that my exhaust fan should be off (the oscillating fan remains on) Shoud the intake fan be off also?
  3. C

    Help, CO2 trying to convert bubbles to ppm

    I am also having the same problem with the BPM. The guage is set at 10 PSI and use a solenoid valve as well. I let it turn on for a half hour, at this time the axhaust fan is off but the intake fan is left on (is that bad?). The exhaust fan is left off for about two hours then I let it run for...
  4. C

    yellowing of the bottom leaves

    You would benefit much more from 40 watt fl's In my veg room I use four foot Fl,s with 40w cool whites. I don't think 20w fl's are going to cut it (I could be wrong)You could also pick up some of them cheap (7-8$) clip on fixtures and add a couple 100+ CFL's. and keep the lights like 2-3 inches...
  5. C

    Few problems with plants(Help needed, pictures inside)

    You should really pick up one of them cheap box fan heaters. I put mine underneath a milk crate and have it it upwards where I keep a container of water. I had to add an extra little humidifier to my room as well. However I can't get the humidity right (30-35%). In my flower room is where I have...
  6. C

    Need help with clones

    So no nutrients then?, I used a powdered rooting hormone, I heard gel was better but whatever, I'm also told you don't need anything at all it just makes rooting faster. There is no evidence of roots at this time. I do have the plastic cover for humidity as well as the heating pad for the tray...
  7. C

    Need help with clones

    My clones have been in a soiless mix for about 2 weeks, they look like they are suffering from nutrient disorders (yellowing leaves, red stems) All I do is mist them haven't given them any nutrients. I haven't watered the soil either as it stays very moist in there. What should I do?
  8. C

    Cloning and Nutrients

    Should I add Nutrients to my clones. THey are a about a week old and showing sighs of nurient disorder (yellowing leaves, red stems). Need help!!!!!!!!
  9. C

    LED's in a pc grow case?

    I use four 300w CFL's in my grow which I purchased from HOme Depot or Lowes (can't remember, maybe too High) anyway you can get 100 wat cfl,s at walmart or target they're everywhere man
  10. C

    Question about humidity

    The RH in my flowering room stays around 30-35% How will this effect bu buds? I added a small humidifier and it didn't seem to make much difference. Where abouts should the mumidifier be placed?
  11. C

    Questions about clones

    I found rooting hormones at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and any gardening store (agway and such) So I really can't figure out why you are having trouble finding it. It's a small bottle and comes in powder or gel form (I use powder but I heard the gel workes better).
  12. C

    HID lighting

    Would I get the same results from four 100wHPS bulbs as I would from 1 400W HPS? THe reason I ask is because I have only about four feet of hieght in my veggie room.
  13. C

    CO2 supplimentation

    So I got the tank for free, the regulator for under 100$. Very cheap setup. Now I know the plants will benefit from extra CO2 as ther is 300-500 PPM in the air and they could use 1500PPM. It's already setup and running. I'm simply asking for suggestions on how not to kill my plants.
  14. C

    CO2 supplimentation

    My bad, First time here or in any forum for that matter
  15. C

    Question with male & female

    You could take a small bag (not see through) cover a small section of the plant for 12 hours while you are still vegging and you whould know for sure in a couple of days. Oh make sure to poke some holes in the bag for some air,
  16. C

    My solution

    I have always had luck with 2 plates, a wet paper towel, and placed in a plastic bag on top of the refrigerator. all my seeds usually crack the next day.
  17. C

    CO2 supplimentation

    I have no idea what I am doing here but from what I have summed up this is what I came up with. I hava tiny grow room that will support about 6 plants(my veggie room). I run the CO2 tank for 15 minutes at like 10 PSI. I keep the exhaust off during this time for about 2 hours and have it set for...
  18. C

    Hey everyone, need a little help

    I have no idea what I am doing here but from what I have summed up this is what I cam up with. I hava tiny grow room that will support about 6 plants(my veggie room). I run the CO2 tank for 15 minutes at like 10 PSI. I keep the exhaust off during this time for about 2 hours and have it set for...
  19. C

    Hey everyone, need a little help
