Do i really need CO2 for my flowering plants?


Active Member
Lots of pro growers said that i need Co2 for my plants during the flowering stage, some said they dont even bother with them...whast is the true behind it? Co2 gives you better buds? or what does it do? And also if you cant afford a Co2 tank system, can you use Seltzer water spraying direct to plants to get co2? Please give me some advice...Thank you

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
How large is your operation and is it in an enclosed area?

If you are only growing a few plants and you have enough fresh air circulating around your grow space then you don't need it. There is more than enough C02 in the ambient air to grow excellent weed.

But if you have a large operation, and the plants are close together in an enclosed space then you would benefit from adding C02 to your grow.

The equipment to set this up is pretty expensive if you do it right, so you need to assess wether it would benefit you to devote the time and expense.

Also, too much C02 can cause problems such as plant deformation and a loss in potency.

Something to think about.


Active Member
If the plant can utilize 1500 PPM and the ambient air is roughly 300-500, then wouldn't the plant benefit from the CO2 supplimentation regardless of the room size?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but who want's to spend $500+ extra dollars for such a small increase is yield on a few plants?


Well-Known Member
You could brew some beer in your grow room in a 5 gallon bucket. The fermentation will provide CO2 and you'll get a tastey beverage as well.


Well-Known Member
Co2 done right can add 20%-100%. You do the math based on your grow. Would a 20% yield be worth it?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Co2 done right can add 20%-100%. You do the math based on your grow. Would a 20% yield be worth it?
If you had a big op then yes. But if you're growing a few plants for your personal use, I'd say no. Unless you just have the money to burn, then I say hurray, go for it. But C02 is something that can be overdone to the detriment of your plants.

All I'm trying to say is that it is not necessary for a new grower to go out and spend a butt load of money on C02 equipment to get a great yield. If you're on a tight budget, it's definately not the first thing you should buy.


Well-Known Member
what needs to be made, is a thread, where we list all kinda of co2 alternatives for personal grows. dry ice, the yeast thing, etc..


Active Member
As far as i know, lots people told me that i can you bubble water that i buy from the supermarket like selztzer will do the Co2 all day to the plants. Thast the cheapest way to give a little extra Co2 to the plants.


Well-Known Member
As far as i know, lots people told me that i can you bubble water that i buy from the supermarket like selztzer will do the Co2 all day to the plants. Thast the cheapest way to give a little extra Co2 to the plants.
dude, how fast does a soda left out go flat? thats how long seltzer water will provide co2. put an airstone in there and you cut that time in 1/4.

when will the seltzer water nonsense end?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but who want's to spend $500+ extra dollars for such a small increase is yield on a few plants?

$500+ dollars? I got 2 20lbs tanks, regulator and all the tubing for $150 cash.

Hell even if I bought it all brandnew, I would have been looking at $300. Why try to turn people away from CO2 just because you have no facts?

Try craigslist. A simple search for "hydroponic", "hps", "co2", etc. will give you all sorts of extra help.


Well-Known Member
$500+ dollars? I got 2 20lbs tanks, regulator and all the tubing for $150 cash.

Hell even if I bought it all brandnew, I would have been looking at $300. Why try to turn people away from CO2 just because you have no facts?

Try craigslist. A simple search for "hydroponic", "hps", "co2", etc. will give you all sorts of extra help.
then spend 200-300 on a monitor/controller and your back at $500.

co2 is great IF you use it right. you have to have your room tight, your exhaust and enrichment synchronized, and your temps in constant check or IT IS A WASTE OF MONEY.


Well-Known Member
then spend 200-300 on a monitor/controller and your back at $500.

co2 is great IF you use it right. you have to have your room tight, your exhaust and enrichment synchronized, and your temps in constant check or IT IS A WASTE OF MONEY.
Why not use the CO2 calculator to determine your needed CO2 output? All you are doing is trying to find the most expensive way to go about things... All you need is 2 timers... One for CO2, one for exhaust... I set mine to run every 15 minutes, or once an hour for 15 minutes(depends on which tent/room)...The CO2 calculator tells me everything I need to know...

Hell, if you are going to buy a controller, you might as well buy one for all the light, pumps, everything...Now, CO2 is going to run you $1000 or more... Atleast, that is your logic, right?

But go ahead and keep explaining to the guy who has a $500 CO2 setup for $150, with excellent results...


Well-Known Member
dude, how fast does a soda left out go flat? thats how long seltzer water will provide co2. put an airstone in there and you cut that time in 1/4.

when will the seltzer water nonsense end?
I agree with you here. CO2 tanks and regulators are the ONLY way to use CO2 right. BUT, as I said, it doesnt cost a fortune.

The yeast/sugar CO2 methods, only works in a small cabinet grow, and even then, you arent controlling your CO2...


Well-Known Member
im simply trying to answer the OP's question....Do I Need CO2 For My Flowering Plants?, he doesnt.

i get 3-4oz's from each plant vegged for 5 wks under t-12's and flowered for 8 under a 400w hps with no co2.


Well-Known Member
??? 1000 - 2000 what? im confused, grams?
Im guessing it has to be. I agree with you though man, but even a mid-level CO2 system should only run you $150-300 max. And by mid-level I mean for 1 large tank or 2 20lbs, a regulator, time and hoses...that will work for 10-30 plants.

But yes, CO2 can give you great benefits, but you wont see them unless your environment is correct. There really isnt any half assing it with CO2. You either have it at 1500ppms, have the temperature around 80-84deg and have it sealed. If these 3 things are not in place, you will not get the desired results, if any.