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  1. P

    help me with my new power plant please!

    I know its an old thread, but if you read this and are starting on PP here is some useful advice as I have done these for the past three grows.......Height is always a problem with these girls as they go ballistic and even when flowering at 10 inches tall they will reach 4 and a half feet tall...
  2. P

    just got new 400-watt hps. distance?

    I have 600w HPS and without light mover about 40cm is as close as I want it, with light mover you can go for about 25ccm, remember though that you have to find a balance as the close to the plant(s) then the more the heads will shade each other, I sometimes compromise and have the light about...
  3. P

    Need a little information any1 help.

    ps . Dutch Passion are ok if you choose the right strain, Power plant is good although a little hermie.
  4. P

    Need a little information any1 help.

    have the roots come through the 2" rockwool yet? When they do put them in 4" rockwool cubes. When the roots come through that (lots of em) then put them on NFT table or similar at 1/4 strength, if using plant start then use nothing else for a while. 3/4 inch seems a little short for 2 weeks...
  5. P

    Pleae Help - Sexing - PIcs

    My guess is he or she cloned from more than one plant and then forgot which ones they came from, looks like 2 males and 1 female.
  6. P

    Run out of hieght in grow room- PLEASE HELP?

    You already prob have an answer mate, but my advice is flower when they are 8 to 12 inches next time and bend them and tie down branches as they elongate for max light coverage. You can top them still even in flower, it stresses them a bit, but its better than a forest fire when they touch yer...
  7. P

    Just Got A Clone

    Yeh, its a serious seeds strain and they only do 5 I think....they are all the dogs bollocks and great yielders. Others are Bubblegum, AK47, Chronic and Kali Mist I think. Yours is about 22%THC, so you probably wont remember what it was like to do a smoke report, LOL.:-?
  8. P

    7 ladies in flower form 1 to 13 days pics

    oh please someone tell this guy the truth, they look awful, why are they so short and stressed?? Start again dude. I mean no offense by the way, but look at some other pics of plants and you'll see what i mean!
  9. P

    Help with clones

    Goodness me, some people dont deserve a good crop!! Its simple really, lay off the doobies for a week and read a good book on it!! clones = warm, humid,rockwool, cfl, no feed. veg = min of 18hrs light fluoro/mh or hps feed as per bottle instructions/ph as per bottle flower = min 12hrs dark...
  10. P


    When it gets too warm they droop, mine did and I put a small cfl above them instead of an ecolight 250w and they are fine now under 28w cfl
  11. P


    PS. You want your PH closer to 6 than 7!! and yeh, add a thermostatically controlled heat mat or better still propagator. Dont use normal uncontrollable heat mat as they can fry your new roots !!
  12. P


    You may find they have way too much light if they are a week from being cut from donor plant, they only want very diffused blue spectrum light until they take root as they do very little photosynthesising until then. Keep them misted twice a day and covered in a dome and do not introduce any...
  13. P

    2 wks into flower

    They are VERY small dude.............are they soil or coco/hydro??
  14. P

    Not flowering yet

    Make sure you have no light leaking into the room , it confuses plants and they think its summer still. LED's on fans/heaters/extension leads will be bad, so tape em up. Mine are 16 days into 12/12 and only just starting to show preflowers, vegged em for 4 weeks from seed......I have to be...
  15. P

    here to help with any electrical problems

    It is not as simple as just adding up the amps !!!!! think starting surges and fusing factors as well!! Ask an electrician a hypothetical question if you are really paranoid, or go and get yourself fully qualified like very cautious taking electrical advice from people who state...
  16. P

    Taking ages to flower??

    Just wanted to know if anyone else has had plants take more than two weeks to show signs of female flowers or am i worrying unduly as this has never happened b4??
  17. P

    Taking ages to flower??

    I have done a few grows, started on NFT, then DWC (oxypots), then organic soil and now back to NFT.......I am not really a newbie, but by no means very experienced either. I have some Dutch Passion Power Plant and Serious seeds Chronic on the tables at the mo, started off with 7 PP and 6...