Need a little information any1 help.


Well-Known Member
Just need a little help i'm not sure what is happening with the seedling's that i have.they are blueberry[dutch passion]I am into my second week now and the plants are around 3/4 cm tall with there 1st set of leaves only 2 set of them have there 2nd set comeing through.The seeds were germanated on a papper towel has i always have in the past waited till tap root was around 5 mm long then put just below the surface of 2ince rockwool cubes within a day or so the head of the seeds was showing.The seeds at this time was in my cloneing/mother room this room has 2 /4ft flouresent lights[daylight cool tubes]and i also have 2 other cfl's at each side of the room with out put of 75watt each these kick just enough warmth off to keep the plants happy.But it has been along time since i have done plants from seeds and had to get all my notes out of the house after a[paronoid attack]so i'm not sure if everything is going to plan i'm sure they should be bigger but 1 does not look happy but the plant has new growth showing so the next set of leaves will be a little happyer i hope.The only thing that i can remember is that once the first signs of new leave growth i put them under a 250 h.p.s in a hydrophonic system this seems to have purked them up alot but i have just bought some plant start by vitalink the only feed i use is vitalink but i'm not sure if you use plant start along with veg a&b or use it on it's own any advise would be appresiated guys realy need 1 out of the 5 for a mother so if i can get just one seed through i will be happy.And am i panicing over these plants been so small or is that normal in some cases the seeds were tiny compared with the other strains i have trainwrek and ak47.I don't seem to get on with dutch passion seed company greenhouse always grow perfect.sorry about the longness but wanted to give you has much info has possible.:leaf:peace


Active Member
its okay to mist seedlings once a day. also, shake up the water you use to water them with, if possible, try using filtered, carbonated (co2 water) to feed with. this greatly stimulates root development.

cooltubes are good on blue light, keep them extremely close to the cooltubes. probably wouldn't hurt to have the HPS shine on them as well.


Active Member
have the roots come through the 2" rockwool yet? When they do put them in 4" rockwool cubes. When the roots come through that (lots of em) then put them on NFT table or similar at 1/4 strength, if using plant start then use nothing else for a while. 3/4 inch seems a little short for 2 weeks though, they should be about 10" to 1ft tall at 4 weeks? Put some pics on..


Well-Known Member
Feeding on a 3 times a day hydrophonic system come's on for 5 mins 3 tmes a day.It has just been that long since growing from seed i'm not sure how big they shoul be.Do the plants sound small for there age they started showing on the 27th march and only 3 had sprouted then the rest came a few days later.I have just flushed with 5.0 water only and set the system up to water still 3 times a day i always did this before that i the only thing i'm sure of but just put plant start in the system they look alot more happy now i have put them under 250 h.p.s this is another thing that i always do to get them to grow faster then swop one over to soil this will become the mother.I have been cloneing the same weed for so long i just lost a little of the know how when it comes to seeds i can germanate no problem.I used to makenotes on every grow to improve this worked but i had to get rid a friend got turned over who i got clones off so [THE DREADED PARANOID SYNDROME HIT ME] i burn't the lot.But i think that they will be ok now they defo look better sinceput in hydro and up the lighting.cheers guys nice one.