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  1. snake69

    Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look...

    Thanks, and before I get bashed too- Been growing myself for about 25 years, and before that spent 10 years learning from an old friend rest his soul. I always am leaning, every strain is a new experience. And the more we learn the better we get. I like to keep records so I can compare and tweek...
  2. snake69

    Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look...

    If no one weighs wet weed, then how the hell did they come up with the 75% weight lose when dried??? Shit I weigh wet then dry, have for over 35 years now. It's called a controled grow and harvest. I have recorded all feeding scheduales and results for every strain and every grow I have ever...
  3. snake69

    God damn bears!!!!! How to bear proof your crop???

    First off-bears will not eat your crop. They will help keep away the animals that do (deer etc). Keep your food or anything else that has an odor to atract them in air proof containers. and off the ground. Put chicken wire cage around plants to make the bear walk around them. I have alot of...
  4. snake69

    How many 600w lights would YOU buy for 36 SqFt ?

    I have a 5x7 room, 5ft high. I run 2 x 600 watt on a light mover, large exhuast fan to control temp. Room never gets over 82deg. I run 48 plants in 2 liter pots (sunshine mix), veg'd 10 to 12 inches. I run 4 rows of 12. Each row 2 weeks behind the other, for a harvest every 2 weeks. Never had...
  5. snake69

    Wait! check it out.. Nobody knows WHOS THE MAN?

    Also whats your views on these leaves coming out of the calyx's like thres 2 hairs and then its like the calyx itself is growing into a leave :weed: :joint::? Wish you had a picture of this. I have seen this when I re-veg a plant. New growth starts from the bud. First leaves then branches...
  6. snake69

    germination using colchicine solution

    This might help you. I know my friend tried this method with good results. Snake There can be little doubt that a great number of ardent growers dream that one day they will produce the ultimate, a really outstanding bloom or plant, just a little bit different from the rest - a change of colour...
  7. snake69

    Ventilation question w/pics

    I wouldn't vent through the floor drain. Most run directly to the sewer system in front of your house. Very easy to trace odour, or heat back to you, Just my 2 cents. Snake
  8. snake69

    making fem seeds question

    That's what I figured, thanks. I have got seeds from Attitude before. Currently trying the Pinaple Express. Thanks for the input. Snake
  9. snake69

    making fem seeds question

    Thanks for the reply. But what I would like to do is cross 2 great strains I have to see what happens. I have no seeds left, nor males to try crossing them. I got 2 little bannanas from my girl when I made her flower to long. (on purpose) And too much time on my hands lol so I thought I would...
  10. snake69

    making fem seeds question

    I know the process of making feminized seeds. What I’d like to know is, is it strain specific, or can I cross pollinate with a different strain to create feminized seeds? I have pollen left and would like to seed a different strain. Just would like to figure out if it is worth my time, or will I...
  11. snake69

    ways to get rid of odor in your smoke room

    I put a bathroom exhaust fan in my office, vented to the attic, with a timer. My wife is the smoker, so she just goes in there, sets the timer for desired time and I don't have to smell it. Works great.
  12. snake69

    To all heavy harvest users!!!

    I have used it for years. Just the summer and fall product. All depends on if you are planting in the ground or in buckets. I use a 1/4 cup per plant in the ground and about half that in a 5 gal pail. DON'T apply till 2 weeks after you plant as it can burn the roots. I apply once (summer blend)...
  13. snake69

    found a huge patch of weed, but lots of police activity

    You are right, sorry. I am also a hunter, and around here deer season starts after most have harvested. Did not take into account that hunting season starts at different times in different areas. Good luck getting that big buck.
  14. snake69

    found a huge patch of weed, but lots of police activity

    Speaking as an outdoor grower...leave the shit alone! I can't fuckin believe people on here are talking about taking samples, or the whole plant etc. What the hell, I thought the idea was to work together to grow the best and to help those who need it...not to rip each other off. Sorry, but to...
  15. snake69

    looking for reviews on Nirvanas ICE

    I've been growing Ice for a little while now. Great strain, great smoke, easy to care for. Can't go wrong with it. Here is a couple of pics. First one is at 6 weeks, second is at 8 weeks. Could have let it go longer. All under a 600w hps.
  16. snake69

    anybody tried ICE from Nirvana???

    Lol. 25 years on and off doing this. I'll be posting more pic's near harvest time. Thanks for the compliment. Only been into the indoor thing a little while now, and a member here a short while. Lots of info to be found here. Always learning. Thanks again for the compliment.
  17. snake69

    anybody tried ICE from Nirvana???

    Hey, here is a pic of my first ice grow. 42 days 12/12. 600watt hps on light mover. 5x5 room. Soil grow. So far I'm like how it's doing. What do you think?