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  1. Winter blues

    wild weed

    Just outside Deckorah Iowa about 3 miles north on the highway to minnesota there is a two to three mile stretch of wild marijuana. we picked it and tried to smoke it one time.... looks good ... smells good... but dosnt work all males
  2. Winter blues

    New Here

    Very nice man you are gonna be proud of those kids, I would definately agree and flower those monsters. what kind of soil and nutes did you use?
  3. Winter blues

    Good looking plant, and not so good looking plant

    jam pack that thing full of those lights or get a couple 26 watt energy saver bulbs from walmart the 6500k daylight bulbs
  4. Winter blues

    Things aren't looking good!!

    hey man its really easy go get bigger pots and miracle grow three month continuious feed potting soil and a bigger light, dont use any nutes untill you flower
  5. Winter blues

    Hey All new Grower looking for Advice

    sweet dude
  6. Winter blues

    Hey All new Grower looking for Advice

    MH is the way to go forsure little bulbs suck. try a high pressure sodium for flowering they produce really dense buds that weigh a lot, they can fit in your current setup and only cost about 35 dollars.
  7. Winter blues

    4x4 grow room clean slate

    walmart cfls are good for starting plants on a budget, but not very good for penetration. Home depot has better setups with 100 -150 watt compacts (6500 K) for aboud 40 dollars these are much better but still not a MH