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  1. 420iseveryday

    Help STealth Grow in Trouble

    Here is my stealth grow, i started these outside, and then moved then indoors into the new Computer Case stealth grow box. After only two days in the box my plants look terrible. They no longer stand up on there own, they seem to be in really bad shape. I don't know what is causing this. The...
  2. 420iseveryday

    My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck

    been a while since i came to see how these were doing. They look really nice, and yes patient is the way to be with them don't rush it. But good grow man i look forward to seeing the yeild from these. ^_^ And as always the laws are wrong it is unconstitutional to ban any substance, but...
  3. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    lol go fuck yourself. you see soon asshole. ^_^ but yeah anyway for the update. all the plants have died. yes the roots. i really wish i would have thought of that before hand. = ( tutorial has still not been posted. got sukered into working but i will have some free time soon hopefully...
  4. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    Lolz. the treasure chest was epic. The tutorial will have to wait until tonight i'm working a lil with jack today. {even though its my day off = ( } Also the glass is not there. i cant find it anywhere, no idea why but it just dissapeared, once i get my pay check (which will be huge) i can go...
  5. 420iseveryday

    My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck

    Wow those beauts are looking great. Question though, why did you choose LST over SCROG?? The idea of doing LST with the ties was very innovating i was going to have to buy a crap load of those tiny metal stakes on my next grow but now i can save some serious mula.
  6. 420iseveryday

    Following a few but if you give e link i can always use another.

    Following a few but if you give e link i can always use another.
  7. 420iseveryday

    yo that you bro??

    yo that you bro??
  8. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    Phd0420 after reading your post i think i shat my pants. lolz. i cant believe i didn't think about that. I've been wanting it get one of those forever and for some reason when i thought of how to water the plants i drew a blank. Hemp4Victory Very sorry that i could not get that tutorial up...
  9. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    I will give the props a try and see where that gets me. i figure im just going to have to start over from scratch. Just bought from things today to get a hydro system up and working so the new project with start with the hydro system.(no watering probs there. lolz) Also i will get the...
  10. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed This is a link to a remote plug in alliance controller like the one i used in this project. A similar one can be purchased at dollar general for about 8 bucks. The timer itself was easy enough simply buy a remote control on/off plug in...
  11. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    OK so i got back from my trip today and all my plants were dead. Its seems that the jiffy pucks don't work well without the jiffy tray to secure water in the bottom in other words my plants had no water for 4 days. Which i find to be amazingly lame of me considered that i made sure they had...
  12. 420iseveryday

    My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck

    wow those just look beautiful, keep it up. as for the discoloration, i would say its a slight Magnesium dificiency which can be solved with any fertilizer containing Magnesium. But then again i just start my first grow, and have no idea myself, but this link might be useful to you. It has...
  13. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    Good news everyone, i was able to rigg up a timer for the lights, the plants are doing 16 hours light and the other 8 dark for the four days i will be away. updates wont come again untill monday. as always thanxs for the comments. ^_^ :weed:
  14. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    lol/ i know this one is so trash. im thinking about getting a 10 megapixel its running about 149$ but i have to wait until i get paid. Also as today update. I will be going out of town for the next four days. my plants are not on timers as i am too broke right now (literally dont have a...
  15. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    Ok and here is today's update. Just wanted to show the progress of these little guys. can't believe they look green and healthy so early. It has only been six days from the beginning. literally put them into zip lock bags as seeds only firday night and they are already sprouting out the ground.
  16. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    wow i have never imagined it would be that high anywhere. just to throw this in. the weed is question was dirt weed, not good. i would have no problem paying 30 or 40 a gram for good, but for reggie or dirt i can usually buy an oz for around 75, which is why i was so angry at the recent prices.
  17. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    Ok here is an update, the little seedlings have sprouted in an amazing three days and were transferred to jiffy pellets this morning. I have taken out the 18" floro and added in 2 of the screw type floros above. (planing on adding a third soon) The two floros produces an output of 120w so they...
  18. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    I have no idea what kind of light spectrum the bulbs put out. Here is the link to the two uv bulbs. The floro is a F15t8 bulb 18 inch long and can be bought at wally world. and only puts out 15 watts. I have read some more on...
  19. 420iseveryday

    My First Grow Help Needed

    Ok so this is my frist grow ever. I decided it was finally time to start growing my own bud when the prices here started running about 35 for a 3.3 gram quarter. Yeah its reidicilous. So i thought it would be best to get a small grow box setup so the plants would have a nice place as...