My First Grow Help Needed


Well-Known Member
That sucks to hear they died on you man. My only advice is give them a good drink and get the lights as close as you possibly can without heat stressing them. You could also perhaps try to prop them up somehow. It may give them a slight boost. Good luck with them.

If I understand this right you are able to create a digital timer for less than $15. If that is the case I would LOVE to get a full tutorial of that. I have a bit of wiring and soldering experience under my belt and am decent with reading schematics.


Active Member
That sucks to hear they died on you man. My only advice is give them a good drink and get the lights as close as you possibly can without heat stressing them. You could also perhaps try to prop them up somehow. It may give them a slight boost. Good luck with them.

If I understand this right you are able to create a digital timer for less than $15. If that is the case I would LOVE to get a full tutorial of that. I have a bit of wiring and soldering experience under my belt and am decent with reading schematics.

I will give the props a try and see where that gets me. i figure im just going to have to start over from scratch.

Just bought from things today to get a hydro system up and working so the new project with start with the hydro system.(no watering probs there. lolz)

Also i will get the tutorial up tonight and post the link here should take more than a minute to do. thanxs as always.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry to hear bout the girls, if u ever have to leave again this is the easiest way to no ur plants are getting watter some people use them on here and they work good im gunna pick some up u should to just incase u have to leave again any way man good luck and ill be followin up on ur progress

here the link for the aqua globes


Active Member
Phd0420 after reading your post i think i shat my pants. lolz. i cant believe i didn't think about that. I've been wanting it get one of those forever and for some reason when i thought of how to water the plants i drew a blank.

Hemp4Victory Very sorry that i could not get that tutorial up tonight man, some things happened here, and then i found out i have to work tomorrow. only a half day but i still have to get up early, but i will have it up for you tomorrow night at latest. Also i would like to include taht i went to wally world today and they have a brinks digital timer for 9 bucks. who knew. I'm still going to do the tutorial for fun and who knows it may help someone out one day. ^_^

Well here is the update. i decided since the plants dehydrated, that the best solution for reviving them would be hydroponics. So i went to wally world and picked up some things after reading some very nice tutorials. and here is the end result.

Ok so one of these is starting to look strong again, and all of them but one have turned back to the green healthy color and look like they might be getting better.(fingers are still crossed)

This is a water culture sytem, I forgot to purchase the hydroponic fertilizer, so i had to use a soil fertilizer and add the micro nutreints myself.(ie Manganese,.Zinc
,Copper ,Boron,Magnesium ,Calcium, Molybdenum and so on.. which can be done by grinding up some vitamins and eposom salt(magnesium sulphate))

I'm hoping that this will heal the damage i have done and if not then its will be good to start my new plants in.


** I have moved the heating coil to the inside of the water to keep the water at 73 degrees.


Active Member
A. go in the shed, i think there is some pain glass in there, that along with some caulk could serve for a nice little aquarium for you.
B. get that damn toturial up here, i'm intrested to see how you made it, i've been raking my brain for a while on how to customize up my own box. lol you remember the treasure chest.


Active Member
A. go in the shed, i think there is some pain glass in there, that along with some caulk could serve for a nice little aquarium for you.
B. get that damn toturial up here, i'm intrested to see how you made it, i've been raking my brain for a while on how to customize up my own box. lol you remember the treasure chest.

Lolz. the treasure chest was epic.

The tutorial will have to wait until tonight i'm working a lil with jack today. {even though its my day off = ( }

Also the glass is not there. i cant find it anywhere, no idea why but it just dissapeared, once i get my pay check (which will be huge) i can go get one at wally world for about 16 bucks.

****Update, Plants looks VERY VERY green this morning, might be a good sign. ^_^

*** There is also a foam build up on the top of the water not harming plant but still wanted to know if it can cause potential problems.


Well-Known Member
Very glad to hear they are coming back to life. That hydro looks interesting. My only quo with it is that it looks like it will eventually drown the roots. I don't see when they would get a chance to dry a little. Wouldn't want to get hit with root rot.

$9 are you serious???
That sounds like a miracle timer. Do you think it works properly or does it work like $9?

I'm in no big rush on that tutorial. Whenever you've got the time I've got the eyes.


Active Member
dude, the man has a point, when do the roots have time out of the water??
lol or did u think that they could just live floating like that?
let me put it to u like this.
those things are just like you hobbit boy, water is kool but they can't live in it.


Active Member
dude, the man has a point, when do the roots have time out of the water??
lol or did u think that they could just live floating like that?
let me put it to u like this.
those things are just like you hobbit boy, water is kool but they can't live in it.

lol go fuck yourself.

you see soon asshole. ^_^

but yeah anyway for the update. all the plants have died. yes the roots. i really wish i would have thought of that before hand. = (

tutorial has still not been posted. got sukered into working but i will have some free time soon hopefully. thanxs for all the support and comments.

See you in the next grow.


Well-Known Member
Better luck next time man. I'd like to offer any advice I can in regards to your next setup. Feel free to bounce ideas off of me. I am still a newb when it comes to experience in growing, but I have done hours and hours of reading. I have all the book knowledge one could possibly want to obtain I just need to finish getting my first grow under my belt so that I can feel a little experienced there too. Also I'm good at construction and building things in general so I can offer so possibly valuable tips on building the next setup.