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  1. blinkimgonez

    question about a 300W CFL bulb

    Is there a reflector cone on the socket? If so take it off and you should be fine. I bought a socket with the cone on it and had to take the cone off to get the bulb to screw far enough in. It's not that there's not enough voltage. I've got one in a 120 volt socket and it's working fine.
  2. blinkimgonez

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    Ok so I had some probs with the pics but I'll put them up tomm. also the clone I topped was on it's 4th node.
  3. blinkimgonez

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    You've got the right idea with the particle board, I used a cabinet and I want to be able to put the shelves back in and use it again one day so I don't want to cut any holes in it, but I am having a heat issue, at least I think that's what I think it is. Up near my main cola, which is quite...
  4. blinkimgonez

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    No prob man. You should start a grow journal, I'd be interested to see your progress.
  5. blinkimgonez

    My First CFL grow PICS Wht u Thnk?!

    The attitude seed bank is awesome. I'm on the east coast(US) and I got my order within a week. Also they have pick and mix so you can order just one or one of each strain you want to grow. They also have stealth shipping which comes wrapped in a pretty pimp ass shirt in a smelly proof bag.
  6. blinkimgonez

    21 Days of Flowering.. (pics)

    I've got the same prob. with my blueberry 25 days flowering, I'm fairly sure its the heat. As you know heat rises so it's going to affect the uppermost part of the plant, being the main cola. Not sure how im going to remedy this myself but i'll keep up with your thread and see if anybody else...
  7. blinkimgonez

    Is this setup good enuff? and does the plant look ok?

    The only time my leaves really ever droop is when I over water. Try letting them go a little longer in between waterings and see if it helps, but it may be the air movement, Im not sure...still pretty new to this myself, just stating my experience with the droops.
  8. blinkimgonez

    1st grow, 1 month old bag seed, lookin ok?

    Too soon to be definitive but looks more like a ball than a hair. But sometimes a new leaf set can look like a ball if its still new and tight.You've got some time before you have to worry about pollination so I'd ride it out a little bit til you can be 100% sure. In short, I think so but i'd...
  9. blinkimgonez

    Clone Resistant Strains?????

    I got a blueberry from dutch passion and I've taken 2 sucessful clones from it using nothing but my work utility knife and a soda bottle full of water. I'm by no means claiming to be an expert as I haven't even finished up my first grow but I'm just saying I've gone way below the standard...
  10. blinkimgonez

    Rookie CFL question...

    Hey, I saw where you asked this on my thread so recounted my experience with this. Check it out. Good luck man!
  11. blinkimgonez

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    Thanks man, Yeah I just buried them up to the first set of leaves and that remedied the problem, and since there is more stalk under the grow medium it starts to root out of the portion you buried giving you a stronger root system. Not sure how the stress from stretching affected my male/female...
  12. blinkimgonez

    first CFL grow. 18 days. Any comments or suggestions appreciated =]

    sounds good. I'll deff keep up with this grow an try to help out, what I can, as I'm still finishing up my first grow. But you should do alright. It's a weed so there's not too much you can do to mess it up. Just learn how to tell what your plant is telling you it needs (easy with a resource...
  13. blinkimgonez

    first CFL grow. 18 days. Any comments or suggestions appreciated =]

    Also whats your light set-up look like and what kind of nutes are you using? I got alot of good advice from others on my first grow thread, you can check it out if you like and kind of use all the pics as a benchmark. Wow...
  14. blinkimgonez

    first CFL grow. 18 days. Any comments or suggestions appreciated =]

    They look great, just like they're gardener (from the camera down). Marry me?:hump: haha. What strain are they? They look farther along than my BB on day 18.
  15. blinkimgonez

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    Also , I have a question. My girl is a lot taller than I expected and I can't get my lights any higher. Is it gonna hurt my bud production really bad if my main cola is above my lights even if I have very reflective surface?
  16. blinkimgonez

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    Its been a while but here is my girl and her clone.
  17. blinkimgonez

    1st grow, 1 month old bag seed, lookin ok?

    I can't quite tell in the pics but it looks like your going purpleish, unless this is a purp strain in flower then you may have a phosphorus issue. Check out this thread it may help you out. I don't think...
  18. blinkimgonez

    1st grow, 1 month old bag seed, lookin ok?

    Looking good man! Deff an indica strain, I started off with like 32 bagseeds and got them up to seedlings and trashed all but 3 of them, then after reading that with bagseeds about 2/3 of them would turn up males I sucked it up and ordered 1 blueberry seed from the attitude seed bank. All three...
  19. blinkimgonez

    New to Growing - Daylight CFL's?

    Off to a great start for your first grow, much more prepared than I was(I'm a two weeks into flower). I started with sand. But as far as the lights go I would most def go with atleast 1 65w. They're 20 bucks at lowes. I'm actually about to invest in another one myself to really help me get thru...
  20. blinkimgonez

    Found this in my Backyard. (MJ? PICS)

    No doubt thats mj.