21 Days of Flowering.. (pics)


Well-Known Member
Well it's been almost a month since i've started to flower and as of right now i'm curious of a couple things...

1.) where the buds are growing, the surrounding leaves are drooping/curling in or under. Natural? Some strains do? Iunno. Ever since the buds started forming some of the top cola's are doing this..

2.) is it possible to take cuttings from a flowering female at this late of a stage, or should that have been done right away?

3.) Maybe 1 soakage of epsom salts might help clear up anything going on with the current setup.. or just keep watering it as normal?



Well-Known Member
Let me get some more info before I make any suggestions. Soil or hydro? can i see pics of system pots/flow system. Whats ur nute PPM reading and PH reading, temperature how many times you water them a day and your light is 12/12 right?? Pease and ill be checking on this for your retort.



Active Member
I've got the same prob. with my blueberry 25 days flowering, I'm fairly sure its the heat. As you know heat rises so it's going to affect the uppermost part of the plant, being the main cola. Not sure how im going to remedy this myself but i'll keep up with your thread and see if anybody else has any input on another cause, or i'll let you know what I decide to do as far as heat removal.


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks like it has a good ammount of Sativa in it and the leaves will get droopy like that when you get into flowering.

I know my Sativa does it and my problem was actually not giving her enough water. My Sativas drink twice as much as my Indicas do. And still the top cola leaves can get a little weepy at times.

I would not worry if I were you, the plants look healthy :)