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  1. JF1SHER

    Quick Question about my plant

    Alright, so i decided to go with my better judgement and try some sort of bug spray i got, and basically everywhere there was bug spray it is now drooping and somewhat gray and this is probably the majority of the plany, but some places are still green that didnt get the spray, AM I DONE FOR or...
  2. JF1SHER

    Quick Question about my plant

    I'll just wait a little and see what happens, but it if keeps up or gets worse than ill have to ask for some more help, but thanks for the advice
  3. JF1SHER

    Quick Question about my plant

    they are from seeds..
  4. JF1SHER

    Quick Question about my plant

    they are probably about 5-6 weeks i think
  5. JF1SHER

    Quick Question about my plant

    ya i mean it just looks like little flies or ghats or somethin like that but i guess i can try a bug spray, but i dont know which ones effects the plant and which ones are good
  6. JF1SHER

    Quick Question about my plant

    Hey I got a plant right now and its going great outdoors, but recently some bugs have been eating some small holes in the tops leaves, any suggestions about what I should put on the leaves or around the plant? :confused:
  7. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    But Jester, your plants are looking like 100's better than mine, keep up the good work and ill bet youll have a great harvest.
  8. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    but im guessing the plant is probably about 3-4 weeks, what did you add to make up for the missing elements? And I've slowly been moving my plant to an outdoor plant, since the weather has been nice, but I'm still having a lot of problems. From the first picture you can just see how the bottoms...
  9. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    What about nutes, should I just water for a while and see how it goes, because Ive heard that miracle has a lot of nutes in it already, and also the first riveted leaves they are turning yellow too, anything I should do, Im just trying to get as much advice as I can
  10. JF1SHER

    New Plant But Bottom Leaves turning yellow

    I used a little bit of them, like I dropped some of it into the water i use for the plant, should i be doing something different with them? and I think it is stretched cause the first week was just sunlight
  11. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    Today I changed my plant to a larger pot today, so the roots can move around more without being suffocated. But, the the very first leaves, like the VERY first two that came out fell off today, so im not sure what I should be dong right this moment, but I am putting Perlite in my soil this...
  12. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    Alright sounds good, im guessing you can get this stuff at a local store like lowes or home depot, ???
  13. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    What do you use then then for soil? and what should I do for the nutes?
  14. JF1SHER

    New to Growing, and 1's went yellow after a little bit NEED ADVICE

    Hey so this is my first plant and I think i was doing pretty good until I got these problems with my leaves. It seems my bottom leaves have turned yellow and look like they have burns on the end, I looked into it and I think it might be a potassium problem, but im not sure and I wanted some...
  15. JF1SHER

    New Plant But Bottom Leaves turning yellow

    Anybody else got any tips?
  16. JF1SHER

    New Plant But Bottom Leaves turning yellow

    I use distilled water, and Ive had it in a solo cup since it sprout, but im changin it to a one gallon this weekend, I have one 100w CFL and 2 60w CFLs. Anything thing you think I should do?
  17. JF1SHER

    New Plant But Bottom Leaves turning yellow

    Hey so this is my first plant and I think i was doing pretty good until I got these problems with my leaves. It seems my bottom leaves have turned yellow and look like they have burns on the end, I looked into it and I think it might be a potassium problem, but im not sure and I wanted some...