New Plant But Bottom Leaves turning yellow


Active Member
Hey so this is my first plant and I think i was doing pretty good until I got these problems with my leaves. It seems my bottom leaves have turned yellow and look like they have burns on the end, I looked into it and I think it might be a potassium problem, but im not sure and I wanted some advice from other people. Here are some pictures and tell me what you think. :joint:



Active Member
how big is your pot?
Are you giving it tap water or distilled? and what are you growing it under
I use distilled water, and Ive had it in a solo cup since it sprout, but im changin it to a one gallon this weekend, I have one 100w CFL and 2 60w CFLs. Anything thing you think I should do?


Well-Known Member
are your lights close enough? it looks like its streched
And the root could be bound in that pot , ive had simmiler problems that the plant grew out of and i belive that was the problem


Active Member
I used a little bit of them, like I dropped some of it into the water i use for the plant, should i be doing something different with them? and I think it is stretched cause the first week was just sunlight


Well-Known Member
those bottom leaves look like nut burn to me. ease off on the nutes, and those bottom leaves arent that important really. be sure to get her transplanted into that 1 gal soon needs it